Mrow. Went the Kitteh.

Aug 06, 2009 16:05

ALAS. Every day this weeks had been pack full of uneventfulness. I mean, it really can't be any more boring. I've been trying to think of things to do but there is absolutely nothing fun. I'm trying to learn how to crochet, and its endlessley frustarting. Especially since I keep messing up and Diana tells me to start all over again. Last night when I was sleeping was also annoying since Diana thought it would be a great idea to stay up all night and watch anime, so I had to hear her watch Zero no Tsukaimia, and MAN the song was so horrible. But since she has to leave in an hour she decided to sleep for a couple hours before she goes to band. I'm supposed to wake her up at 5 but I am half tempted not to since she was being loud and obnoxious when I was sleeping. Maybe I'll be nice, who knows.

I'm getting so SICK of the bat cave (Diana's bedroom) cause we've been in here for like 15 hours and we haven't done anything. We could of gone swimming today but Diana didn't feel like it. Not that I cared all that much but I'm starting to feel cooped up.

Lol, all I'm doing is eavesdropping on Maria's and my sister's conversation outside. And there totally getting the story wrong about how many cats we had. WHY they're talking about that I don't know.

La di da di daa. I think I just might head out there myself. Adios.

anime, crazy life

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