no happier notes

Mar 10, 2007 16:35

Today is Saturday, woohoo! Except I have no real reason to be so happy about it being the weekend except for me sleeping in and stuff. Oh, and I get to go see 300 tomorrow with my brother and his friend Mike. Kind of excited!

Julie leaves on the 31st for Germany, which is 3 weeks away. Yay for her, bummer for me. Well, she will be gone for 2 weeks so i am going to have 2 weeks Julie free. Still I can't help but be crazy jealous of her. She is going to go see Berlin!!!! Come on!!!!

Steve is leaving for Iraq later today, and we are still waiting for him to call. I am really bummed out about him having to go there a second time. I am scared for him.

Well on to happier notes, um, wait there are no happier notes. :/

well, gym is going ok, we have two more weeks of our swimming unit left and then we have the 20 minute tread test. I know, yippie...

K, i'm off

Update: Was not alowed to go see 300 after all. Tom is not over 21, and since I am underage (15!!!) I am not allowed to go see the R rated move with him. I am all bummed out. Now Julie is going in my stead *glare*. I suppose i will eventually get over it, but I can't help but be really mad about it.

crazy life

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