what's up?

Feb 26, 2007 21:52

ello, been a while hasent it? so what's new with me?

I have been watching Fruits Basket anime like crazy lately. Since I have WOW! cabel internet now, I can do a lot of stuff! I adore Fruits Basket, ever since I was, what, 12, i think? Yep, that would be three years ago. So I have watched the whole first season (the second one has not come yet) a total of three times. YAY! I adore Kyo (you probably have no idea who i am talking about, look at you, you're so confused)!!!! So yep, I have been watching that, just finished the 26th episode actually like 15 minutes ago. I always find myself getting teary eyed *sob, sniffle*.

I just read hp 6 again, read it in two days actually. I have lost track how many times I have read that book, must be about six times now? Maybe. Also I watched hp 3 on tv, so i am in a good mood.

So my break was ok, nothing really special. From Saturday to Friday I went to Miss Swan's (the school librarian) house to feed her cats twice a day while she was away on vacation in Tennesse (did I spell that right?). So I earned 105 dollars doing that (I now, you're jealous).

I watched Amelie (julie rented it) a couple hours ago. I just love that movie, it's so cute! Yep, so I am pretty content right now, excpet for the part of knowing I am going to wake up at 6:30 tomorrow morning for school and it is only Monday today *sad face*.

Oh, crap, gotta run, byez

fruits basket, books, crazy life

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