[post futuredated for easy visibility] Originally Posted: 4/3/04
I'm instituting filters for certain types of posts, so I don't feel guilty about cluttering up my friends' pages with "random" information. As for other random information, you can find out about common post topics
memory categories, and the tags sidebar at your right (
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But making your own filters is easy. :D
You can make friend groups by going to http://www.livejournal.com/friends/
Then go to http://www.livejournal.com/friends/editgroups.bml (from a link on the first page)
Pick a name, and then put people in it. Really Simple.
There's a help page at http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqcat=security
Friend groups are good for separating out different groups. For instance, I have some journals/communities on my friends list that are just creative writing or just pictures. So I have them in a different group than my "normal" view (named "Default View" and selected using the public button).
You can also split your friends page (http://www.livejournal.com/users/pallas__athena/friends) by journal type by adding the following phrase to the end of the page. *borrowed from featureannounce*
?show=P for personal journals
?show=C for community journals
?show=Y for syndicated journals
So if you just wanted to read all the calvin and hobbes strips for the past two weeks, you would go to
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