[post futuredated for easy visibility] Originally Posted: 4/3/04
I'm instituting filters for certain types of posts, so I don't feel guilty about cluttering up my friends' pages with "random" information. As for other random information, you can find out about common post topics
memory categories, and the tags sidebar at your right (duplicated
here). If you don't like at least, oh, five of the topics, I'm not sure you'll see much point in friending my LiveJournal.
Tarot Readings*Food/Recipes made public, because they're fairly general interest, not repetitive, and they're cut anyhow.
Comment here if you want to
-know why I friended you
-how I found you
-join a filter
-leave a filter
As I told
zesty_pinto, these are my standard reasons for adding people.
Primarily, I like their posts.
Posts I like tend to involve some of the following
*Sense of Humor
*Thoughtful Analysis and Logic
*Reasonably good grammar and spelling
*Topics I Know About
*Topics I don't know about, but am Interested in
*Politeness and Tolerance of Others' Views
This liking is usually discovered by having common friends, communities, and/or interests. Occasionally I find people through referral from another website, listserv, misc. communication medium.
So you want to know specific reasons why I friended you or how I found you, feel free to ask why in this post.
Also comment here if you wish to be added as a friend (and to filters). I am unlikely to add you to nonquiz filters until I know you better. It's a relatively minor detail, but you do have to add me as a friend before being added to any filters. ^_^