Nov 06, 2004 14:15
yeah, that's deutsch for AWESOME. which is the only way that i can describe last night, orchie home concert. skoglund was COMPLETELY packed. it looked like christmas fest plus people sitting on the ground and everywhere else. tim, michael and micah, the soloists, all did great - the crowd loved tim and michael, dueling violins on navarro. it was hilarious! and michael mcguan's big fat wink to thank the orchestra. ben kulp and i were cracking up. dvorak was dead on, and with so much energy, just enough NOT to push us over the edge and cause a train wreck! tsaich came off well, and sola gratia and pictures were both amazing. then, the orchestra always plays a traditional encore, an arrangement of the old english song 'the turtledove', which is always so happy. the lower strings get the melody right in the middle of it - so happy! alissa said everytime she looked at me i had this kind of etheareal, "on drugs" look on my face. a little embarrassing, but still! it was great. it's so much more than any group that i've played or sang with before, including pyp and girlchoir. the fact that everyone is so invested and involved with every performance, and cares so much about the orchestra, the sound, the people. it really is a happy little family. i remember after home concert last year phillip knutson asked me whether or not i thought i had come to the right school, and i told him yes, but really, i wasn't sure at all. one year ago, i knew i was playing in a good orchestra, so i was more or less satisfied. last night, i answered him - i'm in the right place.
also, even though he was a little inebriated when he told me this, i thought chris noel (concertmaster) brought up a really good point last night at the cow. when he came here, this was a choir school with some good instrumental groups as well. but after the HUGE crowd last night, the estactic reactions from people last night, the looks and comments that i've been getting from everyone today, and the pure level of musicianship that the orchestra reached, this is most definitely a MUSIC school. singers - enter at your own risk. HA!
people from home, i wish you were here. or rather, i wish i was home with all of you and had the orchestra follow me home. now THAT would be ausgezeichnicht.
in other news, here is what's on my plate this weekend:
write injun class midterm about book i didn't understand.
study for music history test wednesday.
do theory homework for ch 6.
write theme and variations for theory, due thursday.
memorize and practice "cinderella" in GERMAN, for monday.
sing in church, play faure requiem all day sunday at a church, have quartet rehearsal and collapse.
guess i had my fun last night. :) but it was soooo worth it.