what a DAY!

Oct 11, 2004 23:15

ok so it's done. the first music history test is done. believe me, i'm predicting another D, but oh well. i don't think i OVERstudied, but i felt like i had a pretty good handle on things, enough to feel semiconfident going into it, but then it was just like, i freaked. the listenings started and i started secondguessing myself and then it was just an awful 55 minute period of crappiness. but, it's done and that's all that matters. i REALLY do not like that class. gerry is a douchebag, just like the song says.

i also went to a speaker, upon sarah miller's request. it was a catholic priest speaking on the culture of life and death and abortion issues in general. according to the govt right now, the rule is that it's not killing the child until it is born, but he was saying from the MOMENT of conception abortion is murder. he argued that that one single cell, with all it's "3 billion bits of genetic material" is human and therefore has rights and liberty and to kill it is murder. i guess i can understand his point, but i think it's freaking ridiculous. really, do cells, embyros, even fetuss (plural - feti??), do they have thoughts, actions, feelings like actual born, out of the womb babies? i wouldn't think so, therefore i don't agree that killing them is murder. granted, abortion is not a fabulous option for anyone, and adoption MUST be looked into for any women in that situation. i think it's easy for all the pro-life people to sit around and say you MUST have your baby or else you are a murderer and you are immoral yada yada yada. BUT, picture yourself in that kind of situation...an unforseen, somewhat dangerous pregnancy. whether it be with a boyfriend, or the result of a rape, it would be WAYYY harder to actually follow through with all that pro-life stuff in that case. obviously, all the available precautions should be taken, except when it's not possible, like rape, but if you DO end up in an unforseen pregnancy, bottom line: no government/pastor/friend/whoever can tell YOU what to do with your OWN body. take your own values and religious beliefs (and medical situation) into account and figure out what option is best for you, whether it be adoption, abortion, raising the child, whatEV. i'm still pro-choice, for sure, but this guy got me thinking......
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