I’ve been reading food blogs lately. I spent quite a bit of time the other weekend reading
Pioneer Woman Cooks! But as yummy as her recipes look, there is no way I could afford to eat them. Way too calorific. All that butter! =0
Most of the food blogs I stumble across seem to feature baking. Lots of cookies and cakes, especially cakes that require some sort of
fancy decorating (yeah, just had to share that one with ya!). While I enjoy reading them, again, they’re not helping me with my desire to do more cooking and eat better food.
The other day it finally dawned on me that I should Google food blogs for vegetables. I wasn’t sure what I’d get for results. I know there are food blogs out there for vegetarians and vegans, but somehow the recipes I read on them never sound much like something that I’d want to eat.
But I lucked out. Turns out there is at least one blog out there that’s dedicated to eating more vegetables, without being vegetarian or vegan.
A Veggie Venture is really well organized. Over on the right side of the page is a list of what veggies are in season now. There is a page with an
alphabetical list of vegetables with links to recipes. Even better, she’s done Weight Watchers in the past, and has figured out points values for her recipes. And there are links to recipes with 0, 1, and 2 points. (The related/parent blog,
Kitchen Parade also looks rather tasty!) I really appreciate a well organized cooking Web site. It’s nice to be able to browse, but sometimes you just really want a recipe for a particular ingredient.
While I was thinking about it, I thought to Google for farmer’s markets near Frogholm. And I found this cool site
FarmFresh.org, where you can enter your zip code and find local farm stands, farmer’s markets, and CSAs. Unfortunately, the Lowell farmer's market doesn't open until July.
I totally think I just might manage to eat more veggies this summer.