Mar 04, 2016 09:54
Thursday morning I spent cleaning out my inbox. The job agent e-mails multiply like rabbits, you have to go in and deal with them pretty often. I found one new interesting job to apply for, yay?
Then I had to prep for interview part 2 from the day before, so back to LinkedIn and the internet to do my homework. Drove back to Andover for the interview (and ran into a new construction site and detour that hadn’t been there on Wednesday, ARGH!). Details about that in another post to follow.
When I came home, I was pretty wiped (Interviewing is hard!). So I had a very late lunch and read comic books for a bit. I mean, I was really tired, almost fell asleep in the chair with a nap attack.
I got back to the job hunt after the interview (gonna assume I don’t have a job until the moment I get an offer letter). And I managed to apply for not one, but two jobs I’d already replied for back in early January. Hey, they’re still looking two months later? I’m applying again I guess. Whoops. When I realized I’d done it again, I figured if I was too tired to notice when I scanned my notes that I’d already applied at these places, I should probably pack it in for the night and stop.
At this point I was more than ready for bed. But no! I had a 9:00 p.m. appointment for my massage this week. My masseuse, popular she is. So I put pants back on and went out for that. Then bed. *thud*
job hunting