So this morning I stumbled across the campaign to #BanBossy thanks to a link on the Google home page.
I love the video. But I’m not quite sure what to make of
this article. Here we are talking about breaking gender stereotypes, and the final sentence of the article is But possibly the strongest Girl Power message of all comes from Beyoncé. The mother of daughter Blue Ivy, 2, says, "I'm not bossy - I'm the boss."
OK, so did you have a point when you mentioned that Beyonce is a mother? Presumably that was to support why she’d involved with this effort, she’s doing it for her kid (even though the writer didn’t go on to make that point explicity). But they didn’t mention whether or not any of the other women in the article were mothers. And off the top of my head (without doing any research) I know that Jennifer Garner has two young daughters that she might also like to have grow up in a better world. So then maybe the point in mentioning Beyonce’s motherhood was to focus on her traditional female role of mother rather than the fact that she’s one of the most powerful women of color in entertainment?
These are the sorts of things I worry about. The subtle sexism that seeps into EVERYTHING because we don’t even realize we’re doing it.
ETA - Article about
‘Bossy’ Women: 16 Leaders Who’ve Overcome That Label (and Worse)