Nov 03, 2006 17:04
ive partied every day for the last 8 days straight. thursday of last week, mike and ligeia got back, and we tore it up. i stole shoes from one of the dudes in heavyheavylowlow. they trashed my house. thats what they get.
friday was the big party. probably the best p.o.r./c.h. party ever. i spent $0 dollars, got a free keg cup, free illegal substances, and a free pack of cigs. pretty much the best party not involving me getting laid ever. there were lots of people, and the house didnt get that trashed at all. chris and wop made lots of money selling cups. this needs to happen again. cleaning up the next day, i found weed on the floor in the basement. bonus.
saturday, i actually tried to sleep. there was some huge party, and then everyone came here, wasted afterwards. i woke up and stole a few beers. eric adams, was drunk, i thought he was going to die.
sunday, i watched bizzare german porn. it was "bizzare" to say the least. too much latex and urine for me.
monday, hung out with shelby. drove arround, bought tofu, which is still sitting in my car. drank liquor that didnt really get me that drunk. its fair to say im feeling "nostalgic" at the least. i dont know. ::sigh:: i want a time machine.
tuesday, got 40s with coyle, and drank them out of coffee cups. watched the straight edge kids play hockey. tried to flip some girls car and couldnt. she left the keys in the ignition though, so we put it in neutral, and pushed it down a hill.
wednesday, got a call from big y in longmeadow. wanted me to come in for an interview. not thinking id have a drug test, i smoked pot, drank nyquil and got a good nights sleep.
i was flawless in my interview on thursday. i bullshitted with the guy. he liked me. i talked to the department manager. he liked me too. i talked to the store manager. she liked me. went back to the first manager. he offered me the job. when he said the words "drug test right now" i shit myself a little bit. the one thing going through my mind was "get the fuck out of there right now." i was expecting a pee test the next day or something. thats easy enough to fake. drink a gallon of cranberry juice and youre all set. youre pissing straight cranberry juice. it was one of those saliva tests, where they make you scrape the DNA off your cheek and hold a thermometer looking thing in your spit for five minnutes. theres no way to fake it. the thermometer looking thing has different letters on it like THC, MET, COC, PCP, HER, and ALC. a person with none of these things in their system will produce a little pink line next to all of the above mentioned substances.
the first test didnt work. i was freaking out. the guy said if it didnt work the seccond time he would have to send me to the lab. the seccond test took a while. he was about to throw it out when little lines started appearing next to the MET, and HER symbols. so i put it back in my mouth and said fuck it. maybe some miracle will happen and the THC line will show up. so after another 3 minnutes, i took it out of my mouth and the guy inspected it. he said the THC line was kind of fuzzy, but it was a judgement call on his part. he offered me the job, and told me not to party so much. i shit bricks. i was so happy. karmic retribution. i laughed and smoked a dozen cigarettes all the way home.
that night, we bought 2 18 racks of miller high life. ive been living the high life alot lately. smoked a lot of pot with corey and the ligeia dudes. watched this movie "thank you for smoking" which was pretty rad.
which brings me to tonight, with nothing to do as of yet. if its anything like the rest of the week, something will happen soon.