Untitled Billijah

Feb 01, 2004 16:27

Untitled Billijah Parts 1 and 2 under the cut.
Pairing: Billy/Lij
Rating: this one pg for language.
Disclaimer: Don’t know em, never met em, not true, if you believe this then you’re a frocking idiot.
Summary: Elijah looks for help from a higher power i.e Billy

‘Billy, can I ask you a question?’

‘Sure Lij, what?’

‘Um… Have you ever been with another guy?’


‘Shit Billy, you didn’t have to spit it all over me! This is a brand new shirt!’

‘Sorry, ‘s just, I wasn’t expecting that is all.’

‘Jesus it’s not that big a deal is it? I mean we’re always talking about the girls we shag - I mean fuck, and we’re supposed to be open-minded liberal people aren’t we?’

‘Aye we are. I was kind of expecting you to ask me how I knew the answer for that Jabberwocky question.’

‘Well yeah I did wonder that too. You know heaps of random shit don’t you? I mean how the hell is anyone supposed to know what the slitty troves were doing in the wake?’

‘I think you mean slithey toves and wabe. Actually come to think of it, I really should have been expecting something more leftfield coming from the mass of shite you like to call your brain.’

‘Hey! Just ‘cos I sometime have random trains of thought doesn’t mean I’m an idiot.’

‘Random train-wrecks of thought more like it.’

‘Bastard! You’re trying to change the subject aren’t you?’

‘Heh, you catch on quick don’t ye?’

‘Oh shut up and answer the question.’

‘What was the question again?’

‘You know damn well what - fine, the question was have you ever been with another guy?’

‘Well, quite a lot really.’


‘Oh aye, every day, I can’t get enough of being with guys. On the set, in public, at restaurants, sometimes at home too. From quite a young age too! And I suspect ‘til I’m quite old will I ever be with guys.’

‘Oh har-de-har-har mister funny man. You know what I meant. Have you ever slept, no, have you ever had sex with another guy?’

‘Well maybe next time you should be a little more clear.’

‘Duly noted. So?’

‘You do realise this is quite a personal question don’t you?’

‘Sure, but we’re friends right? I promise I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to.’

‘Definitely friends. I don’t care who you tell by the way, I’m ashamed of nothing I’ve ever done.’

‘So you have then?’

‘I didn’t say that… Yet, so ok, yeah I have. A couple of times when I was a younger lad. Working in theatre kind of opens you up to a different scene.’


‘Hmm, It’s not like you didn’t already guess thought right? I mean you probably wouldn’t have asked if you didn’t think so.’

‘I guess I kind of suspected you weren’t entirely so straight and narrow as most people assume you are, and the way you and Dom carry on is a little more than friendly, even for most people.’

‘Whoa boy. Who said anything about me and Dom together… like that? Sorry it had to be said.’

‘Heh, it had to. But no I just thought if it was any guy you’d be dating, or whatnot, then it would be Sblom.’

‘Dom’s not gay.’


‘Hard to believe right?’

‘Haha, yeah. Are you sure? Is he sure?’

‘Yes and yes. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind talking about himself with you. The man toots his own horn often enough you can hear him coming from miles away.’




‘So is that all you wanted to know?’


‘Go on, spit it out.’

‘It’s just that… Well, I think I kind of have a crush on this guy. But I’m not sure if he’d be into me
like that, I can’t tell ‘cos he’s the only guy I’ve ever had a crush on. Until recently I thought I was as straight as the proverbial arrow. Don’t give me that look by the way, I know I act more camp than a row of tents but I honestly never had any sort of physical attraction to another guy until now. I’m confused and sort of… scared.’

‘Ok. Well to start with, being attracted to another guy is nothing to be ashamed about. But don’t tell the press or your career will go straight down the toilet. Now, is this guy you’ve got the hots for gay?’

‘Um, I don’t think gay, but I think he’s more of a free-spirit type and would do goats if the thought occurred to him.’

‘Is it Orli?’

‘Hahaha, Orli? Yeah he would totally do a goat but I said I have a crush on a guy remember? Orli’s no man.’

‘True true. Um, is he older?’

‘Yeah he’s quite a bit older in fact, older than you even.’

‘Gee are you sure you even wanted to come to old crotchety Methuselah for advice then ye wee bairn?’

‘Shut the fuck up that’s not what I meant. Ok if I tell you who, will you promise not to laugh or anything?’


‘It’s Viggo.’


‘You promised!’

‘I wont tell anyone I swear! Cross my heart and hope to die.’


‘I should have guessed.’

‘Eh. I don’t know why him, or now for that matter. It’s been a few years since we filmed together and I haven’t even seen him since last year. I was just watching his movie and… you know… sort of… enjoyed his performance too much, and not in the usual movie sex-scene wank way.’

‘Uh huh. So I’m racking my brains, and I still cant figure out what this has to do with me.’

‘Well, I’m kind of… inexperienced in this department, and I figured you for one to muck around sexually,
and you’re a good dude and all that…’


‘I thought maybe you could teach me a few things to help me seduce Viggo?’




Untitled Billijah Part 2
Pairing: Billy/Lij
Rating: this one R
Disclaimer: Don’t know em, never met em, not true, if you believe this then you’re a frocking idiot.

"I’m an old man Lij, you can’t keep surprising me like this."

"So, will you?"

"This is not something I’d even consider for anybody else except you, and probably Dom. It’s not just about putting a notch on your headboard? You really want to do this for Viggo?"

"Yes, I’ve thought about it and I really want Viggo to see this side of me. But of course I want it to be good. I really really like Viggo, and I want the chance to love him and for him to love me, but I don’t want my inexperience to be a hindrance."

"I understand. Now are you sure you want to do this with me?"

"Absolutely positive, of course I had to make sure you knew what you were doing too though."

"Of course."

"So, do you want to get started?"

"What? Right now?"

"Well, I kinda already started thinking about it when you said you can’t get enough of being with guys and on set and stuff…"

"You know I was talking about being in the vicinity of men, being a smartarse don’t you?"

"Yeah I know, my mass of shite knows that, but tell it to my dick."


"So are we going to do this?"

"Yes yes goddamn it yes!"

"Hopefully I’ll be hearing more of that."

"You cheeky little gobshite! You’re a natural, are you sure you’re not a flaming queen?"

"Nope just Viggo, and now you, are the only guys I’ve ever got a woody for."

"A woody… You’re quite at ease with all this aren’t you?"

"Yup, I’m up for anything, just until now I didn’t know it was for guys too!"

"Right. First I need some more scotch."

"What you have to be drunk to fuck me?"


"Fuck Bill! I told you it’s a new shirt!"

"Shirt’s coming off boyo."


"You wanna get cheeky with me? Fine, let’s do it your way."



"Ah, Billy?"


"Is it - oh god don’t stop - always like this with a guy?"

"You mean more intense?"

"Yeah - ah! - more intense, more - oh fuck - hot… just more!"


"Should we, maybe, go into your room?"

"We should. The lube’s in there."



"Oh fuck Billy, why didn’t - I ever do this - ah - sooner?"

"Heh, beats me Doodle. Mmmm you’re quite the go-er aren’t ye?"

"I just never thought - fuck put your hand there again! - that it would be like this!"


"Aahh god!"

"See, now when you feel that tenderness on your neck tomorrow, you’ll know it’s from me. From when I marked you with my teeth, my lips, my tongue. You’ll see the marks, and you’ll get hard just like you are now. You’ll get hard and think about how I had my hand inside your jeans, squeezing and pulling at your cock, just like now and you’ll want more."

"Yes more! Please more!"

"You’ll remember how when you begged for more I obliged. I pulled… your jeans… off your hot… naked body while… kissing my way… down your thighs… with my other hand grabbing your balls and… pressing just behind…"

"Aaahhh fuck Jesus Billy fuck yes right there."

"Mmm you like that don’t you? Such a naughty boy."

"Yes, please Billy don’t stop! Oh! So naughty!"

"And then you’ll remember what it’s like to have my mouth wrapped around your hard and aching cock and -."

"Oooohh nnnggg! Biilly-y! Fuck Billy I’m gonna, I’m gonna come!"


"Fuck Billy I can’t take it! I’m cooommiiinnngg!"



"Mmm, nice. So now you’ve had a small taste - well it was me doing the tasting but - you’ve had a taste of what it’s like with another guy. Have you had enough?"


"What's that?"

"Ug. That was… um… ug."

"That’s only the tip of the iceberg my friend. Would you like to learn more?"
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