
Feb 01, 2004 16:18

3 sets of 3 drabbles (each exactly 100 words) The first is set in 2004, the next 2009, and the last in 2014.

Title: Tryptich
Pairing: Dom/Billy/Evie
Rating: Up to NC-17
Disclaimer: Not true, don't sue.
Betaed by H.R.R. the1elf


‘Billy! I finally get to meet you. I’ve heard all about you.’ The beautiful Canadian grinned.

‘Aye. And you must be the lovely Evangeline I presume?’ Gorgeous hazel eyes locked with soft green ones; the connection made.

‘Evie, please.’


Evangeline reached forward and drew Billy into her long arms for a warm embrace. Neither noticed Dom enter the room, smiling at the pair.

‘Well, since nobody loves me, I guess I’ll just go back to Manchester then…’ Dom started to walk away in a pretend huff, but familiar arms encircled him, preventing his escape.

‘Silly bloody git, come here.’


Billy and Evie hit it off immediately, their giggles and banter echoing around the timber floor of Dom’s house.

I don’t think my life could be any better, thought Dom, watching the two thumb-wrestling on the couch. Perfect girlfriend, perfect best mate. Beat that Elwood you little wanker. The thoughts inducing a grin of monumental proportions.

‘What are you grinning about you mad - OW! Hey you cheated!’ Billy extricated his thumb from Evie’s grip and looked back at Dom.

‘Just thinking how totally hot mud-thumb-wrestling would be.’

Billy didn’t see the wink and smirk that Evie cast Dom’s way.


Moonlight cast shadows in the dark lounge room, the meagre light only serving to highlight the planes and contours of the three naked bodies.

Dom’s cock glistened as he tenderly thrust in and out of Evie’s tight, wet pussy from behind. His hands gripped her hips tightly.

Billy was on his knees before the slightly spread legs of the moaning woman. His tongue was flicking Evie’s clitoris, every few strokes he would suckle on the hardened nub, the taste of both Evie and Dom’s arousal mingling.

Exhausted, they slept in Dom‘s bed. Limbs tangled loosely, the night’s warmth not enough.



Dom and Billy raced into the churning surf clutching their surfboards, acting as if they weren‘t five years older. Evie watched them laughing and splash water at each other from her position high on the golden dune. She wasn’t even aware of the smile on her pretty face.

I’m going to have to tell them soon she thought, subconsciously holding a protective hand over her still-flat belly. She didn’t care who the father is; as far as she’s concerned, they both were.

Out on the teal water, the two men rode the white capped waves, the sun shining upon them.


‘There’s something I have to tell you guys.’ Two pairs of eyes - one green, one blue - glanced up from their Thai take-out.

‘I’m ah… I’m pregnant.’ Dom jerked forward, choking on his mouthful of Gai Yang. Billy rushed over to Dom and performed the Heimlich Manoeuvre on him. Dom spat out the offending piece of chicken and, eyes watering, asked Evie if she was sure.

She sighed, ‘Yeah, I’ve already been to a doctor. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, but - .’

‘Hey Dom,’ Billy said, interrupting, ‘How long has this freckle been dark like this?’


‘The doc said they took the melanoma and surrounding skin out, they think they got it all, but the biopsy won‘t be back ‘til tomorrow.’ Dom informed them.

‘That’s great news Dommie!’ Billy enveloped Dom, hugging him gently. Evie assented and planted a kiss on Dom’s pasty forehead when Billy finally released Dom.

Dom lightly put a hand on the exposed curve of Evie’s swollen belly. ‘Hey little girl.’ he said, pressing his lips against the taut skin, conveying his love for the unborn child - funny how they all just assumed its gender, ‘everything’s going to be just fine.’



Even the bright April sunshine couldn’t brighten the mood. Happiness and sunlight both absorbed by the black garments worn by the small group of people standing around a hole in the ground.

A hole: absence of matter. This hole: absence of a loved one, a mother.

A little girl with tawny hair stands at the edge of the grave, her pretty little mouth unsmiling, green eyes dull. Her hands are held tightly by two men, her daddies. The mens’ expressions are unreadable.

The trio watch, dry-eyed as the mahogany casket is lowered into the earth.
They’re already all cried out.


‘Billy, she hasn’t said a word since…’ Dom’s voice caught.

‘Yes I know Dom. What do you want me to do about it?’ Billy’s fists clenched at his sides. ‘I’m sorry, I’m just… you know. Ah God.’

Dom closed his eyes. How can I expect her to move on when I can’t? Happy memories rose in his mind; helpless to their onslaught, he brought his hands to his face and sobbed uncontrollably.

Small hands pried larger ones away from Dom’s face. ‘Please don’t cry Daddy, everything’s gonna be ok.’

Her precocious words was like balm on the two adults’ hearts.


Billy and Dom hadn’t been physically intimate for about five months, not since the cancer that eventually consumed Evie was just starting to ravage her strength, painting dark shadows under her eyes.

Raw need eventually overcame them. At first their touches were furtive, almost shy. As the contact grew, their desperation increased a hundredfold and all their grief and emotion of the last ten months poured into their love-making.

Mouths and hands rediscovered old playgrounds on the other’s body, a renaissance of sensation: Sounds, smell, sight, taste, touch.

They remembered her through each other, and they would never again forget.

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