"Twittering is just randoming bragging about your unexceptional life"

Apr 07, 2009 10:18

This video summarizes in a funny way exactly all that I find wrong with Twittering...

image Click to view

I suppose Twitter has it's uses, such as informing your friends a change in time for a party, or if you will be arriving late for a shared IRL event for example. That isn't what Twitter is used for 99% of the time though. Virtually all tweats really are byte sized quips of completely insubstantial spam about the insignificant, mundane things people do all day. I care deeply for my friends but I don't need to know everything they do, especially if it weakens their ability to hold conversations in person or of substance. The video is completely spot on about Twitter, and if you become upset by its insinuations, perhaps you are an addict. Honestly I cannot bring myself to spamming my friends about all the little trivial things I do throughout the day. Would anyone *honestly* want to hear that from me? Be honest!

Also, yes I admit that I indeed ignore every Twitter repost shown here on Livejournal, I do appreciate that some people use the cut tag on those.

video, internet, world of weird

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