Aug 31, 2006 16:07
1. I changed my icon. ahhh narnia. it makes me so happy! Which is good because
2. Study abroad stuff is stressing me out. Trinity requires a 3.3 GPA and I only have a 3.22. University College Dublin does not offer psychology classes to any international students except from one university in france and one in berlin. why? i do not know! its ridiculous and I emailed them about it to double-check. cause seriously, thats not cool. That leaves Dublin City University and two other smaller ones. And of course about ten programs for each that i have to wade through and choose from. I really need to meet with the study abroad office...
Also, Im tutoring this semester. What the hell posessed me to do that? Well, money and benevolence really. Nonetheless, its becoming a hell of a lot of hassle to turn in all the paperwork, and I havent been accepted yet.
Finally, the freshman make me feel lonely. My own fault: I havent made too much of an effort to meet them. But its creepy to have all of them know me and large chunks of information about me (courtesy of Mary) and know only two of them by name and maybe four more by sight. Theres just too freaking many of them!
Note to Sarah: I got that ridiculous tape off my closet. It required large amounts of soapy water, a sponge, some paper towels, a flat-head screwdriver and a crowbar. Im not kidding about the crowbar either.