Feb 24, 2007 11:35
I got this in an alliance mailing on Darkthrone. Apparently this virus is very destructive. So here's a copy of the virus, direct-copied from the mesage I recieved.
Fwd: Fwd: (TWP) Most destructive virus microsoft has ever witnessed and DT scam (Please read!!!!!!)
Sent by .......... (profile) at 09:25 am on 2/24/07
Ive got this from a another alliance
Originally Sent By ............
First of all i would like to thank TRUE_ELITES for sending out this warning.
I got 2 warnings for you.
One about Darkthrone, and one for your mail.
Please read this and sent forward to your other alliances, as it may be of great importance.
****************************** ********
Warning 1: Virus warning
You should be alert during next days, dont open any message with attached called "Invitation" regardless of who sent it. It's a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which " burns" the whole hard **** of your computer, this virus will be recieved from someone who has your e-mail add in her/his contact list, if you recieve a mail called " Invitation " though sent by a friend dont open it and delete it directly.this is the virus announced by CNN, it has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive viruse ever.
For the best protection, update your virusscan, and run it over your pc, after deleting this message.
Also warn your friends in your maillist about this virus.
I'm omitting the 2nd warning because none of you play Darkthrone. Someone apparently set up a hacker site to steal darkthrone passwords and such. I believe the censored word is "disc". DT auto-censors things weirdly at times. "Admins" is also a word that gets censored.
I'm playing Cupid today, bringing a guy over to spend the day with his sweetheart at her place.
We got snow, 4-6 inches of it. So I've gotta shovel today. >_<
I tried catching up with everyone's posts yesterday. Take care guys,