Just one of those days

Aug 31, 2010 23:48

Sometimes you have these days wherein everything and everyone seems to work against you. For me it looked like today was such a day. I overslept, was very tired, grumpy. Had trouble getting work done because I wasted half of an afternoon chasing a (software) bug which turned out not to be a bug to begin with. I biked home, narrowly escaped running over tourists in the centre of Amsterdam and on top of that forgot to pour in the sauce of my self-prepared meal. By the time I had the first bite of my diner, I would've killed to go to sleep and forget about it all, waking up in the morning and making a fresh start.

However, I managed to put myself into action, did the dishes, gathered dirty laundry laying about in my appartment, throwing away old newspapers and glass bottles, and after that I fixed displaying the games calendar for my old volleyball club. And you know what? Now I feel pretty accomplished for the day. Funny how this life thing manages to surprise you over and over again.


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