Today was so boring....I sat around and did nothing today....all I did was watch two movies....Darkness and Meet the fockers.I have seen meet the fockers b4 but Darkness was a new one and I think tonight ill sleep with a light on lol....That crap scared the begeezes out of me!lol. Lol I was called a bum like 20 times my dad and his friend person my uncle..and his girlfriend, oh and kelly who called. Lol I'm still tired for no reason...its not like I was up late or anything...I mean I was in bed way before 11. I know casue I talked to Dylan like at 10 and we hung up and he said he would call back,by the way i dont think he did I didnt look....but yea the last time I member looking at a clock was like 11:25. I have not been feeling well today...for some reason im burning up in my house while everyone else is cold.....I mean Wendy(my uncles gf) was under a blanket while we watched the movies.But yea...ah im so bored,But relaxed..suprizingly...I think im gonna play Sims tonight I have not done that in awhile.I feel like a fat pig...i had the munchies see 5 cookies..that was breakfast lunch was a hot pocket and tea.Then there was dinner..a peice of cake with ice cream and a pickle.And i just ate a peice of choclate..I guess that was dessert.=)I have this weird urge to go shopping for a yellow tank top....I dont know why. I have had a strange day...and I just had the strongest martini in the world..wendy made it....I dont drink often I just tryed it...and it was strong...kinda gross.Yuckie!Duckie! Stupid Kathleen made the Dolls and Sarah didnt I was mad Sarah was soo soo soo much better...Kathleen dances with her boobs..she sticks them out and makes them bounce...gosh I hate her.I mad, I have to go back to school ugly like before casue I dont have a straighter.This sucks I wish i could look pretty everyday....oh well.I dont know but I am burning up in my own room I have get out....My uncle said they are hot flashes but that kinda scares me....well I might be on later....if not call me.
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"What sex dessert are you? *PICS*"
whip cream
you like it all over...doesnt matter where it love partying and being wild...