A made-over Day.

Apr 29, 2005 17:33

Hey everyone today was alright....I was late to 1st hour today becasue Megan was straighting my hair and putting make-up on me...she made me over...lol.It was cool, i felt pretty today for the first time since i cut my hair really short.A lot of people commplented me on my hair....Ryan who practically never has gave my a compliment said somthing it was cool,I had two people staring at me and when i finnaly asked them why the hell they were staring at me, they both said casue i looked so pretty...yah it felt good.I think that is why i was so hyper today,casuse i felt good about my self...casue i didnt even have coffee today! But yea...I have a 85% in science and a 87%in math i have to pull them up so my gpa will be higher casue it is only a 4.2 whcih is so low...i dont have any honnor classes this year....so yea.I was Juilet today and Ryan was Romeo...it was funny..he didnt wanna be romeo but he was good at it...plus i dont think our teacher(mrs.bradford) was gonna listen to a no anyway..../There was something wrong with Sarah today, casue I walked over to talk to her and she looked like she was mad talking to Tori, so I asked if it was a bad time and tori answered yes...but kinda meanly. I asked Tori later if she was mad at me again for some reason...she said no but I dont think that casue everytime I walked over there they were quiet and I was given a look.I wish people were completly honest all the time....Im a big girl i cant take that.I drove home with my grandfather, it was cool he took the longest way posible home so i could drive longer....love him!My weekend is gonna be so boring I was grounded and i didnt know when i would be off so i didnt make any plans so now everyone is busy and im bored, but I suppose ill think of something.Ah! My cell phone is so gay..it just turned off for no reason at all.....GAY!God! That just made my day suck so much, my necklace just broke...damnit!!!I dont know i have this funny feeling that Sarah and Dylan are gonna get back together...I dont know why...I mean i have no reason to think that but its just a feeling...so no one get mad at me or anything...hope some people call me tonight....I havent talked to Ryan on the phone in a while I wonder if it would be weird to call him...hmmm i dont know.AW so gay i was gonna post what mean girl charater I am but it said I was a slut.....so forget that shit...!And for all you Hoe's spreading rumors that I let the guys int he weight room look up my shorts I hate you casue thats NOT what happened...Im just blonde and stupid and didnt think about it...ok!!!damn!!!!well i cant really think of much to say here....other than call me later i guess....love ya>>>>>>> ~Amber!!~

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