This is pretty funny. But it's also sad and pathetic when you think about it.

Oct 31, 2008 16:57

CHAPEL HILL - A Chapel Hill electrical engineer who was tired of people stealing his campaign signs hooked up his electric fence to a sign and set up a video camera. His video shows a nine year old boy being shocked who was trying to grab his sign.

According to WRAL-TV, which first reported on the story, Shawn Turschak had several of his McCain-Palin campaign signs stolen from his yard and was getting upset, so he hooked up the sign to a low-voltage electric pet fence.

Turschak also installed a video camera to record anyone who went on his property to steal the signs, along with yellow warning signs about the electric charge.

"Obviously, we are not looking to hurt anyone," he told WRAL-TV. "We simply want our signs to say put...[the warning] just reminds you that you are touching somebody else's property that you shouldn't be."

His video camera recorded a neighbor's nine year old boy on Turschak's property trying to grab the sign and later on, he says he caught another neighbor on film removing his signs after he turned the electricity off.

The boy in the video can clearly be seen to be shocked and was carrying an Obama sign at the time. His father, Andrew Noble, complained to Turschak but no charges are planned to be filed against either the boy or Turschak, said the report.

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Anyone else think it's peculiar that a nine-year-old would go out of his way to engage in these political shenanigans? As far as I know, most nine-year-olds would rather spend an afternoon playing X-Box than swapping out political campaign signs. I suspect his folks put him up to it. I believe that only the lowest form of scumbag would use their kids as pawns to commit crimes on his or her behalf. This kid's dad had the brass cojones to complain to Mr. Turschak about his kid getting shocked while trespassing on his property? Somehow that seems to speak to his complicity in the matter. After all, if I had done something like that at that age, my dad would be saying something to the effect of "What the hell were you doing in his yard in the first place, idiot? ANSWER ME!!!" I would then be subsequently slapped around and sent to bed without my supper. I think Mr. Turschak might want to consider moving to a better neighborhood where his property rights will be respected.
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