That Thing (Doo Wop)

Sep 07, 2008 00:37

Hello all you LJers, B here for my weekly musing--

I have been paying more attention to the mainstream media, in particular, advertising. It has been long known that sex sells, but lately it seems that every single advertisement has some form of sexuality in it. Perhaps this is not true; it is completely possible that most advertisements have had an abundance of sexuality involved and I hadn't noticed. Whatever the case, I am quite disturbed by the amount in advertisement.

Don't get me wrong; I enjoy sex as much as the next person... except maybe a nympho. That doesn't mean I feel the need to be bombarded by sexuality everywhere I go. I remember listening to Crave 95 in Vancouver (forgive me, but I'm at work and I need background noise) the last few nights) and hearing a Trojan condom commercial on. Now, it is later in the evening so... I'm not a huge prude, but I remember hearing and thinking "is that necessary?" I mean, do condoms really need advertisement? If anything sells itself (and has sex already implied) it's a condom. Others have them, though. There is an event coming up called "Chicks for Breasts". It's for the Breast Cancer Foundation and the idea behind it is great, but that kind of name... Perhaps it is society (and myself) with a dirty mind, but come on! What kind of name is that for a Charity event? Why does sex need to be involved? To entice more people to participate?

In this society, we are buffeted by sexual images everywhere we go. Advertisements use sex to sell. Songs and music videos are more sexual than they need to be. A lot of movies have sex scenes (be it intercourse, sexuality and whatnot). I mean, on the one hand, art does imitate life. A counter argument is that it doesn't mean we have to subscribe. I know far too many people who pride themselves on sexuality rather than personal achievements. I can be one of those people sometime, but lately I've been finding pride in more personal areas than sex. Why does it always boil down to sex? Can we not function without it? At the risk of sounding conceited, I must ask if we're so shallow that we hold sexuality as one of the most important factors in everything we do?

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