Feb 12, 2008 22:08

 So First off, to all those people out there who dont have someone to be with on Valentines Day, Dont worry,(i dont either) but make the day fun dont be all sad and whatever

but idk if anyone has ever been in a sitchuation where it doesnt work out with anyone your with....i have been in this state fir like ever! and i dont particularly like it....

There is this guy, Named Zach who is sexier than sex, and he is really nice and i really like him but we arent like really close friends or anything and so i cant just tell hiim, ya know? but idk He is like i dont even know, but he has a gf and he's a jr. and i dont think he wuld ever like sucks cock!! ROYALLY!!!!!

and there is this ther guy named NIck who i have liked for a long time and he finally asked me out then 3 weeks later he told me he wasnt completely over his ex of 2 years whichi can understand, but it hurt coz i really really like/liked? him and i dont think he will like me anymore. but idk somethings he does just drive me mad and i just wanna- nevermind-jk but idk again it suck cock!!!

i just thought of this its not good or anything btw.

He can make my heart speed up but slow down at the SAME time,
he can make me smile and he can make me cry,he hasnt done anything he just is there existing, 
breaking my heart wih every stephe takes away from me.
he does care, hell he doesnt know..
I must rely on my dreams and the little time i have left with him!
I cant tell him, the words that break my heart in two
"i love you"
I dont really i dont know what loveis, not yet at least i have to find a way to tell him. 
who am i kidding that will never happen!

well there you go i have told you the thing that kills me the most..
 I love you guys!

as Said By My favorite teacher of all time!!!!!!! Dan Johnson!

Valentines Day is a silly holiday, if you love someone you houldnt pick one day out od 365 to show it.You shoud show it every day!!!

So dont be down spend it with the ones clostest to you!!!

im kinda sad

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