Worst/Weirdest pick up line EVER!!

Sep 21, 2010 16:42

This actually happened to me at work once. Seriously, what is it with douchey frat boy types and horrible, offensive pick up lines?

I guess this dude had some sort of LDS fetish (or, at the very least, some very odd stereotypes about what LDS girls "look" like and/or how they behave). And he seemed to think saying "you look innocent" to a girl is a compliment. News flash to any boys reading this: if you say "you look innocent" to a girl in the wrong setting and/or tone of voice, you'll come across as very, VERY creepy. Do yourself and female kind a favor and just retire that line from your pick up line vocabulary if you haven't already.

On the bright side, not all the boys in that douchey frat boy group were loathsome jerks. One of them came up to me privately later on to apologize for the behavior of his friend. I thanked him, but told him that his buddy really ought to grow a pair of balls (and a sense of chivalry) and apologize to me himself. He never did. Oy vey.

work, art

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