Long time no see

Jun 05, 2013 14:37

Just dropping in to say that yes, I'm still aware of this account even though I don't use it very often. I kind of wish there was a way to merge more than one account together, so that everything would be redirected to another username, and I would still have the activity and stuff on this account related to the ones on another. Kind of like how Archive of Our Own connects various usernames of writers.

Anyway, since my last post I've definitely eased away from the fandoms I participated on this account. I stopped watching House in the early 7th season cause I just couldn't stand it anymore. I recently listened to a podcast by /report (which you can find here, beware spoilers), and they sort of brought back all the good memories I had of the show. I took out my Seasons 1-3 dvds sets, so I intend to watch some select episodes when I get the time. I don't think I'll be catching up with Seasons 7 and 8, because I heard the quality dropped a lot, but that doesn't mean I can't read some summaries and catch up with all fanfiction.

Still sort of in the Harry Potter fandom, but I don't actively follow it anyway. I'll always love the series, but I'm not much of a diehard fan now a days. Sometimes I want my HP fanfic fix, and then I'll look for some stuff. I end of reading so much, that I have to switch over to a new fandom before my head explodes. That happens a lot actually. I'll be a way from a fandom for a long time, and then come back and overload on all the stuff I missed.

And then there's Tin Man. Haven't had any connect with that fandom in a long time. I think I should watch the mini-series again, it was something pretty special. Thankfully I have the dvd for that series as well.

And that's a wrap. It's been almost 3 years since my last post, and I wanted to have something new up, so here it is.


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