Jul 06, 2010 23:45

It's about high time that I announced this. solitaire55 is the lj account that I've been using lately. That's why there hasn't been anything new on this journal for a long time.

I made a new account because this username is so old (I've used it many times before) and I think that solitaire55 fits me better. I'll still have this one up, because it features all my memories, fanfic, comments, etc. I'll also be checking this one regularly.

If you want to friend me over that, that'd be great. It already has fanfic, and recent post, and all that junk. I use it for all my fandom related stuff.


Sadly I haven't participated in many of the fandoms featured on this journal in a while. I still watch House M.D., but I haven't done anything with the fandom recently. Same thing with Tin Man, and the Harry Potter series. I'll probably visit them again at one point.


tl;dr : I'll no longer be using this account. Go see solitaire55.


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