Science or Math? ARRRRRGH!!!!

Aug 29, 2006 14:53

So I was talkin with someone about what I want to teach and I thought I had decided about math, but then we got talking about cool science stuff and it was fun. It got me thinking. Do I want to teach science or math? I love science, but I wasn't sure if I was strong enough in the subject to pass the tests. I mean, I watch Discovery, Animal Planet, The Science Channel, etc.. religiously (ugh religion), but I didnt know if that would do. It turns out I remember a lot more from the classes I took and the shows I saw than I thought. I love math because it is like a big game of logic, but science is soooooo damn fun. I think I would have an easier time getting kids excited about science too. The only thing is that I wanted to teach high school, but I think that might be harder to do with science since I am not too sure I want to teach Physics, Chem, or Bio. If I could find a school that had Geo and Planetary science as an actual subject I would freak out. We didn't have that in my school. :( So I would be limited to general or life science, but those are usually middle school or lower high school. I guess I will have to do some more research, but it looks like I am leaning toward science.

I need to start studying big time for the CSET tests. Those fuckers are hard! They ask questions about science that I never learned in high school, but I think I will be okay if I study. I might try to register for the Sept 19th test. I would have to pay late fees though. 25 bucks a piece for that. So three tests times 75 bucks a pop is 300 fucking dollars! And if I fail one I have to pay to take it again! But if I take them now and fail any I will have one more chance to take it again before I have to start applying for an internship in January.

I hate money.
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