🎶Rhythm is a dancer, It's a soul's companion, People feel it everywhere...🎶

Oct 29, 2024 12:26

Last night, a small group of us went out for dancing and drinks (I don't drink, not even mocktails anymore, so stuck with coffee.) at a local nightclub spot that is owned by one of the Sunflowers and her husband. It was a pleasant place; the music wasn't too loud and actually had a sound system that was more focused toward the dance floor. That was pretty cool to see they'd designed the acoustics in such a way. I shared a couple of dances with Xeylorra, who found herself enjoying the floor with JD through much of the evening, while I was more focused on the beautiful Argent

Rahni always looks amazing, and with that cute smile she gives me, I feel a sense of longing, elation, excitement that stirs me and makes me feel young and ready to leap rooftops or get into some sort of mischief with her, maybe raiding a garden or greenhouse for tomatoes and cucumbers like when we were little kids. But dancing with her is just as good as sharing in a bit of Tai Chi practice, as well.

Sunflower - Aranya - who drove me there and back home again. Rahni was elegantly lovely and stuck to just a couple of mocktails before going with plain iced tea for the other couple of drinks she had. As designated driver, she got freebies all through the night, which is rare for a club to offer these days, particularly here in the Midwest where they consider beer something a designated driver is okay to consume. I will never understand that kind of yokel-hick mentality.

🎶Lift your hands and voices
Free your mind and join us
You can feel it in the air.🎶

Xey and I talked a bit finally, something I initiated, and she was hesitant about. But when I said we really needed to clear the air in a calm way, and a neutral place like that was best for it, she agreed so we danced one of the slower songs. We spoke of the times we would walk home together, and she was reminded why all those years ago; and while she didn't need to, she reminded me how we became more than friends but then I reminded her of why we broke it off and how we both felt better to be mere friends again. I noted that I do love her, and she admitted incredibly strong feelings and attraction to me, and it's not just physical. But there's a lot of

Xeylorra is elegantly beautiful, but there's definitely something there that always seems too controlled or controlling, like with my bio-fam or ex (the Whisper) and that leaves me a little out of sorts and uncertain. Best to just be friends, and let her feel that comfort that the others do when with me.

water under our bridge, a lot of fond memories and feelings are bound to be stronger when you have someone who sticks up for you and comforts you like we did for one another... like we ALL did for one another... and she smiled admitting that was definitely what it was, a sense of gratitude and a longing to always feel that safety and well-being I offered. Looking over at JD, she noticed the same feelings.

🎶Oh-ah it's a passion
Oh-ah you can feel it, yeah!
It's a passion, Ooh-oh Ah-ah-aah🎶

While my good friend - the young man who always wanted to be my little brother as we were growing up - sipped slowly at his first glass of Scotch, I got to chat with him quietly too. We talked about the Sunflowers, all of them coming back and how good it feels to have family around. While he'd seen Xey kiss me on the lips as the dance ended, he admitted feeling a sense of regret. I asked him why, and he said it always seemed I got all the love of the girls. I couldn't help but laugh, "They love me until they hate me." I said. And then we spoke of his relationships, his late wife and even his children that had all lost their lives to a drunk driver. It was a very serious moment between us, and I saw the play of emotion in his soft but icy eyes of blue.

JD is one of those easy-going quiet bad asses that shows the reserves of peace too. People who know him know not to fuck around with this brother Sun, but those who don't soon learn that cold also burns. I'm glad to see he's mellowed and tempered by experience and wisdom over the years.

We spoke of his hurt, and the time he's taken to come to terms with his grief. And we also spoke of Xey, not just her illness but both of our feelings for her, and also what that will mean watching her go through the process of deterioration. With a last sip of his drink, he set down the empty glass and said that he might as well make the best of the time he has with her while they can enjoy one another's style. And with a big grin, he pulled her out onto the floor. That's the Jason I know from our youth, live in the moment with as much joy and enthusiasm that we can, because we don't know what the next will bring!

🎶[*Spoken verses*] A far away light in the futuristic place we might be,
It's a tiny world just big enough to support the kingdom of one knowledgeable, throw away the loneliness and head back down,
I'm going too fast, I'm going too fast🎶

At the end of the evening, I found myself tired, but not soul-weary, this was the physical fatigue of an evening well-spent. My dreams were pleasant when they came to me, and full of shared moments of laughter and love with my fellow Keen Suns and our precious Sunflowers. And while we moved through Aha Tay's home, greenhouse and garden, we were able to visit with those who had passed beyond the Silver Road, and with a subtle glimpse over their shoulders as they parted for the other side, it was easy to see how much like the natural areas we grew up it was, but far, far more full of plenty and wondrous beauty. The promises to come are nearby.

keen suns, maturing, beautiful souls, relaxation, life

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