Jun 26, 2007 05:32
o/~ ...where the raindrops, as they're falling, tell a story. o/~
Yesterday was both placidly dull and incredibly busy. It was like waves of action and rest. Even though it was a half-day, and the last day for this school year, I found myself worn out when it was all over. Staff members continued to root for me in attempts of my being hired permanently for the job. There's still two weeks to go before I know for certain, but my own hopes are minuscule on getting it. Bureaucracies never make sense and never follow the train of logic or common sense, they have their own system of how things are to be done and belief that their way is the only way. That is the one constant I've learned from the business world.
Once home, I decided to relax and watch a bit more Babylon 5 again. I found yet another quote that was just the right thing to work itself into my thoughts, this time from Captain John Sheridan (aka Bruce Boxleitner), "When you stumble a lot, you start looking at your feet. We have to make people lift their eyes to the horizon and see the line of ancestors behind us, saying, 'Make my life have meaning'. And to our inheritors before us, saying, 'Create the world that I will live in'." It's something I've considered to a great degree, wondering if I'm in the right place, and if so why it's been so hard for me to become a consistent presence there. I've been able to reach out and touch the lives of several children who've needed my particular personality to find someone they can respect and form a bond with. I've found myself working with staff and faculty who've needed to see, more clearly, the importance and impact they have with one another as well as the children around them. But I have to wonder if my work is done there, so soon.
I've been able to walk to work and back home again, getting out into the fresh air, sunshine or rain. I've seen the urban wildlife and admired it at a time when others are making a mad dash to make that fast buck. I loath becoming like them, forgetting to look at what is around me and not only how I affect it, but how it affects me. I'd seen rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, a weasel and even a small fox in my daily travels; not to mention all the birds. Four crows followed me to work yesterday morning, clacking and cawing at me. Meadow larks let me hear their sweet song as I stepped onto the tufted grass of the playing field at the school. Sparrows and swallows did aerial acrobatics around and before me, both to and from the school grounds. And once home, I even had a thrush pop down the chimney into the wood stove, then flit around the living room, dining room and kitchen in an attempt to both watch me and keep me at a distance. All around me are the wonders of life, seeming to make the attempt to say, "Hey! Don't forget us. We'd miss you too much if you did!"
In the mornings, my soul sings a song of blessing and joy with the rising of the sun; and in the evenings I give thanks for the wonders of the day and the warmth of life, blessing the light of the moon to guide my spirit as I walk the realm of dreams. And I drift to sleep, wondering - and sometimes fearing - that I would lose myself and become another faceless drone as I struggle to keep up with the precession of the bureaucratic nonsense of businesses.
tomorrow and yesterday (thoughts)