o/~ She said, "That ain't the way to have fun, son..." o/~

May 30, 2007 05:23

This week will be rough, the students are in for half-days, so I lose one assistant per day, not to mention I've already not had a couple of students showing up for my "class" for a while now, anyway. It means I'm definately getting more of a workout again, and a lot of the really big jobs are something I still have to find time to do... cutting and folding are the primary two that I have little time for, though the students seem to be able to get those accomplished fairly quickly when they're in to help me out.

I didn't really get the time to come online except to glance over my e-mail yesterday, since I was trying to catch up on sleep, get the camp-gear washed/cleaned, dried, inventoried and repacked properly, as well as getting to some of the things around here again. I need to take time to clean out the fridge, this evening, and then there's ceremony to do as well. But after that, I'll have some real time to sit down and type out the chart I'd done, so I can share it with others. Scanning it doesn't really allow for seeing the text, so it has to be typed up.

As far as our trip went, it was fun, though Saturday and Sunday made everything soggy... even the inside of our tent, and the air matress was a blessing in more ways than one this time around. Not only did it keep us from sleeping on gravel, but it kept our sleeping bags drier than they would have been otherwise. When I pulled it out from the tent to deflate it on Monday morning, there was actually about a quarter inch of standing water on the floor of the tent near where our heads were resting. But we still managed to enjoy ourselves, dispite the wet weather, through most of the trip.

We both also found ourselves looking at Port Angeles and thinking about how much we might like to live there one day; perhaps when we've retired and are ready to get away from the Greater Seattle/Pudget Sound area. Seeing the size of the township, the closeness to the places we actively like to get out to and see, the nearness to Walks_far we'd be, the events and happenings throughout the region, and the clippers skimming across the water, heading toward Victoria and VanCouver B.C. or just going out to do whale watching all had a strong appeal.
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