Oct 07, 2011 10:58
The past few weekends I've been fairly lazy. Part of it has been from exhaustion, sickness, and/or migraines. Part of it is just listlessness. And, I think, part of it was I adapted to not having a car and so not being able to go anywhere on the weekends.
I've done some cleaning and cooking, but nothing really fun (aside from the Emmy party) or work for/on myself, which typically is how I like to use my weekends. Tomorrow I try to shift back to that. I have a career coaching session in the morning for several hours, which I am in desperate need of to get my ass back in gear on the book and writing in general. Then, I'm going to a gentle yoga class as I've once again fallen out with yoga (and I think I may have a stress fracture in my left foot that I'm trying to ignore) and really need to get back into practicing -- plus, I have a Groupon about to expire and far be it for me to waste one of those.
I've been editing some this week -- had to print out another copy to go at it with a pen. The screen and I were not friends. Hopefully between that and my session tomorrow I can have this baby totally First Drafted by the end of next week.
Then I can start panicking about agent queries and whether or not November will bring another NaNo adventure...