To Do List: Saturday May 15

May 15, 2010 13:14

1. Go through all the comments to my last post and make sure I've answered any questions, have friended anybody who asked, etc. I've never had such response to a post before and it's been really fantastic that it became such a great, positive space for everyone but man, it's a lot more work to keep up than I thought it would be. I really wish I could respond to everyone, and friend everyone. So glad I'm not a BNF - they must feel like this all the time!

2. Write my thesis proposal! *duh duh duh* DOOM. Naw, just kidding, it's going okay. It's just a bit overwhelming when you meet with your supervisor and she's way more brilliant than you. I have so much I need to say in very little space and I really want to make things as easy as possible for my committee and impress them. But I'm academically burned out and blocked right now so it's hard to get myself moving.

3. Start writing the coda fic I wrote in my head last night while high on sleeping pills. It got a little long and a little incoherent (thanks to the sleeping pills) so it may end up less a coda and more a post-season five fic in general. Or I could expand the shit out of it and use it for deancasbigbang , which I am seriously considering trying (*gulp*). (Note to those who are new and confused after my last post: I ship both wincest and dean/cas quite happily). Edited to add: OH NO. Look what I did.

4. Write up my notes on 5.22 that don't revolve around what I talked about in my last post.. Anything else is pretty much insignificant to the episode in particular, but still interesting for the show in general. I HAVE THIS THEORY ABOUT THE SAMULET.

5. Clean my apartment. Which may mean dragging a queen-sized mattress across the house by myself. I'm just gonna try not to fall down the stairs with it. Unless...I used it as a toboggan! Now there's an idea!

6. Eat something that is not pie.

supernatural is making me stupid, my thesis will be the death of me, fandom

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