Stressed, trying to write wincest to distract myself.

May 25, 2012 14:32

So my Mom started a trip yesterday, flying out to visit my sister, and then she was supposed to bus to vist me and my girlfriend from there. Except when she got there she was really sick so they went straight to the ER and waited like, nine hours. Looks like she has some form of hepititis - they don't know which yet, and now they're back in the ER waiting again for test results.

I'm basically freaking out. My mom has had a ton of health problems recently, including cancer a few years back, and she just doesn't deserve this. She's just had so much chaos in her life lately with unstable living situations and a deteriorating relationship with her boyfriend and financial worries since my dad is a grade A douchenozzle and won't meet his financial commitments to her or me and my sisters. I just feel sick with worry and I can't focus on anything so I can't even effectively distract myself.

That said, I'm working on this little post-finale wincest fic that got kind of out of hand. Hoping to have it drafted over the weekend, unless I have to fly out to my mom or something (which I will if she can't make the trip to me).

Anyone feel like cheerleading or beta-ing? I think I've worn lookturtles out, wincest isn't her cup of tea anyway, and the angst-content on this one is a bit high for her. But I think having someone else involved might help me focus on the fic, and take my mind off of other stuff I can't control. Even just some early feedback or something.

If you're interested, it's post-finale unrequited Sam/Dean from Sam's POV, which also includes lots of Sam/OMC and Crowley, Meg, and the alpha!Vamp as secondary characters, and is pretty plot-heavy for me. NC17, because I am going to force myself to write real porn. Currently about 7k, and I expect it to end up 10-12k. High angst, lots of incest-related guilt. Let me know.

I know I've been absent, but I love you all.
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