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FILLED :D? wanderlustlover June 25 2011, 22:58:20 UTC
Carlisle looked up from the file in his lap, his face only deepening the expression of perplexed refrain it had once been at the medical quandary in question.

Edward stared at him, jaw still resting on the heel of his hand, propped up by his elbow, where he was laying on the carpet in their living room. For all appearance like an indolent, disheveled child who'd already forgotten the existence of the book barely a foot beneath his face.

Except for the very steady, very focused gold eyes.
There was so very little of childhood left there.

"You're supposed to say yes here," Edward added.

"You're-" Carlisle closed the file.


"-While on the floor-"


"-Without any lead up or bravado whatsoever?"

Edward nearly smirked. The smallest movement at the very edge of his lips. "Surprise?"

"After seventy-six years?"

Edward let his hands drop, elbows sliding outward with immense grace, even in completely not paying attention to it. Until his chin rested on the back of his hands above the carpet (and forgotten book). He smiled that absolutely normal, small curve of a smile he always did at home.

"Marry me. Spend the next seventy-six as my husband. The next seventy-six hundred. Seventy-six Thousand. The way we are right now. The way it was two minutes ago. Normal. Every day. Miraculous. Perfect. Forever."

"I thought I already gave you 'Forever,'" Carlisle said shaking his head, but he was beginning to smile too. Incredulously. Impossibly.

Edward pushed himself up from the floor, crossing the room in a second rather than several. Pulling Carlisle's hands from the file, as he sat down on the arm of the chair, settling his knee between Carlisle’s, as he leaned down, "You never were good at saying no to me."

Carlisle reached up, brushing the copper hair back from the edge of his cheek, as he leaned up into the face there had never once and even not didn't exist the even doubtful though wouldn't be here every moment. "I may never be."

Edward shifted in closer, half of his weight ending up in Carlisle's lap. The manila folder crying out in a forgotten rebellion between them. His mouth hovered only a fraction of space from kissing Carlisle, "Then, say yes, again."

"Yes." Carlisle said, digging his fingers into the hair he toyed with to pull the boy closer again. "Yes." Claiming his mouth, claiming everything. A current of gold and fire and light. The way he always had with Edward, the way time kept giving him everything again. Always more. Always more and never less. Forever.


Re: FILLED :D? rainbowstrlght June 25 2011, 23:39:30 UTC
This was fabulous and delicious. ♥ I might just start shipping these two.


Re: FILLED :D? hpfangirl71 June 26 2011, 01:55:25 UTC
Yes, who needs stupid Bella with these two lovelies to play with??
This fic was so sweet and lovely to read!! btw... where is this comm that's only edward/carlisle?? I may have to join for the delicious reads!! :D


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