Election Day!

Nov 04, 2008 21:37

Ok, my plan for the night:

Right now, find classes - I have to register tomorrow!
Midnight/1 AM: go to sleep.
3 AM: wake up. Watch election results/The West Wing until we have a new President!
6/7 AM: go to sleep.
1 PM: wake up and get ready for class.

And then I'm out of the house until 10, which is why I'm not going to a party tonight. I don't want to fall asleep in my 6-9 class, or, God forbid, on the metro.

But I'm still kind of upset. It's my first-ever election, my last ever in college (we watched the results of the Congressional elections freshman year, and that was fun), and I'm watching it alone in my room. I know of at least one party back at school, and my friends are political; I also know of two American parties here, but I would've needed to RSVP for those. I don't know. I'm just disappointed.

But still! Guys, it's Election Day! I voted for a President for the first time EVER! (Ok, that was two weeks ago. STILL.) It's very exciting. :D And even though my vote was kind of useless (absentee vote in Connecticut, which will go Democratic and only has 7 electoral votes anyway? Please), I'm still thrilled. Because, as a natural-born citizen of the United States, voting is my right and my responsibility, and today, I am truly and proudly an American.

(We'll see how that feels tomorrow.)

nablopomo, election

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