That title is just SCREAMING for sex jokes. I'll let you do that. :P
This is my favorite grad student yet. :D I like his random tangents and wide-ranging knowledge. (The fact that he’s cute and British doesn’t hurt.) But dude: just because the pelvis appears to be overwhelmingly male doesn’t always mean it is. You do the best you can, of course, but it’s hard to say for certain. And also, writers: if a vagina is still intact, you can’t see the ventral arc without removing tissue. It sounded good, yeah, but you weren’t exactly right there. Though I do kind of wish he hadn’t left; it would’ve been fun to watch him throw random factoids in everywhere. Random interlude: does anyone think they might be working up to bringing Zack back? None of the grad students have stuck yet, and this will start to get old soon. We’ve also had Zack’s confession that he didn’t, contrary to public opinion, actually kill the guy, and everyone still likes him and misses him and wishes he were there (which is a natural reaction, yes, but the way they deferred to his knowledge when he showed up the other week was interesting). I feel like this is all going to tie together, and I kind of think they might bring Zack back. I’m not sure how I’d feel about that, because then what was the point of the whole exercise?
Over on
206_bones, on the preview thread for this episode, there were lots of angry comments about how they were going to be close-minded and insensitive, how they didn’t care about the victims anymore, how they weren’t expecting to even be able to follow the episode through the angry screaming. To which I say: SHUT UP, GUYS. FOX makes the previews, and have we EVER seen one that was entirely accurate in its portrayal of the sense of the episode? They cut things and edit it to make it seem entirely fun, when that’s almost never the case. The writers on this show are very open-minded and sensitive and accepting, and while they occasionally make mistakes, they’re generally excellent when it comes to this. And I am extraordinarily pleased that the scene people were expecting to hate the most - with Brennan’s line about "I’m a genius, and I’m confused" - turned out to not only be sensitive to the issue, but painted Booth in the most open-minded and respectful light we’ve seen him in possibly ever. So, after trying to explain the fact that the previews are never accurate to people and having them get angry at me, I kind of want to shove this in their faces. But I’m nicer than that (or at least more passive-aggressive), so I’m just doing it to you. :P
And Brennan: "moment of silence" has NOTHING to do with religion. It’s all about remembering and respect. Love you, darling, but stop being an idiot. Also, Chuck cracks me up, because he reminds me SO MUCH of my friend Jon. (Not you,
petalsinthewind, at school.) His face and his voice and the way he talks - it’s hilarious. (Jon’s not that angry, though, fortunately. Also, he's 21.)
HAHAHA at kid and Angela. Oh man, Angela, you rock. Even if you can’t really make the mastoid processes and nuchal crests more prominent in a facial sketch: the one’s behind the ears, and the other’s back of the head. Guys, you’re just falling down all over the place here. What, were the fact-checkers on vacation?
Crazy religious people scare me. I do like people like Booth, though, who let their faith improve them rather than dictate their lives. (Also, fantastic quick thinking there, with the wife, Booth. Awesome.)
It’s interesting to see that Brennan, for all she’s about intelligence and looks down on people who only care about looks, would be uncomfortable with a partner who was prettier than she was. I also love that she trusts Booth enough to be honest about that. Also, she DOES refer to Booth as "my partner", which is their equivalent of "my husband", since they aren't, as Booth pointed out, married. It still implies "ownership" and connection and being invested in each other.
Ok, that scene between Booth and the son had me practically in tears. That’s the best kind of religion, and it’s one that both of them and the man/woman they’re discussing (because they discussed both) subscribe to. That was just absolutely beautiful. Thank you, writers, for putting that moment into an episode that also kind of mocks religion. They always manage to show every side of an issue, don’t they? And they almost always come down ultimately on the same side as me. Which probably helps, when I say I love this show.
I wish, instead of the line "I don’t believe that; I’ll never believe that," the wife had responded to the issue of her husband’s infidelity with the line, "It doesn’t matter." Because it doesn’t matter if he slept with her; he was in love with her. Emotional infidelity is, in my opinion, worse than physical infidelity.
That was a great ending to a very good episode. I love the little light-hearted bit at the end, where Booth is trying to have a serious conversation about belief and Brennan takes practical wisdom from the whole incident. Awesome. And very them.
Yay promo! Boo, no Bones until November. But HAH, it looks awesome. Oh, Max. You still get on my nerves, but you are really quite awesome, too.