I've been kind of ignoring the Internet for the past week, at first because I was busy and then because it seemed like such a chore to catch up. So if you posted anything you want me to know about (especially if you wrote fic, because it'd be just like me to miss that), or if you posted recently when you never post, or anything, please let me know! Thanks! :D
So I've been watching Season 1 of West Wing. This show really was brilliant right out of the gate, which is rare enough - most shows take a little while to really get into their stride. I love the walking-and-talking scenes most, really - these people are just so, so smart, and so enthusiastic, and so quick, and those scenes are just everything that makes the characters so unique and interesting condensed into a 30-second conversation. It's wonderful.
I also really, really love CJ. She's the kind of woman I'd like to be when I grow up (it doesn't hurt that she's 6' tall and so elegant about it): smart, capable, quick, and funny while she's at it, with an undeniable but steady cheerfulness. I love the way she laughs, when something really amuses her and she just lets go, loud and infectious and unstoppable. I love people who laugh like that. I just watched the scene where Danny gives her the goldfish, and the two of them, they're just fantastic. :D I also love when she gets self-conscious: "Would you say me neck is unusually large?" and the fact that her codename is "Flamingo". :P
It's funny, though: since I started with season 4, I didn't know about Mandy. She is so, so 30s that no matter what she wears, she looks old-fashioned. I love it. It's her voice, her hairstyle, the shape of her face, even her mannerisms: in "The Crackpots and These Women", President Bartlet likened CJ to a 50s movie star, but really, Mandy's the old-timey movie star. It's hilarious.
And Donna is, of course, adorable as usual. I have a question, though: was it Josh & Donna right from the beginning? I'm seeing it, but I'm also not seeing it, so I don't know what I'd be thinking if I were watching with fresh eyes. I want to know what you guys thought.
Also, the other night, I had an odd dream. I dreamed that Ashton Kutcher was going to be on an episode of House, and it was filmed at
aamalie's house, waterside in California. (Note: I have no idea where
aamalie lives. I don't think it's harborside in California.) I have no idea WHY Ashton Kutcher; it's not like I'm a huge fan. I don't know why House was being set in California. But it was pretty cool, as I somehow managed to teleport over there (after reading her entry on my flist; it went something like this: "Note to self: Stars of House are even more attractive when gazing out to sea." Which, actually, sounds like her) and go on a boat ride with
aamalie and Ashton and someone else (can't remember who). It was very weird.
So, what's new with you guys?