I was going to say "Fandom is breaking my brain", but really, it's just fanficrants

Mar 20, 2008 19:59

The girl I work with on Thursdays is named Rickie (just Rickie, not short for anything). Today we were talking about people being mistaken for boys (her friend, as a little girl; my sister, too), and she mentioned that people always think she's going to be a boy because of her name (though I don't know why they expect a college-age boy to spell his name with an "-ie"). She gets insurance through the university, and they recently changed providers, and called her up with an interesting question:

"Why are you on birth control if you're a boy?"

My response? Out loud: "Because I'm selling it on the black market, of course!" In my head: "Because mpreg is REALLY REALLY sneaky and you must always guard against it!"

Oh, fanficrants. What I have learned from you. :P

(I don't mention a lot of fandom things, like mpreg, in real life, because they're ridiculous and why would normal people understand? I don't understand some of them. So it surprises me when I mention something really tame, really basic, and people don't get it. I feel like I speak an utterly different language.)


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