May 26, 2004 19:57
What's a weird fear you have that no one else probably does?: fear of being alone
Is not Jon Stewart great?: ...
What song are you listening to?: flogging molly- i think its desert rose
Best face wash/acne fighting product?: yea lol ask kelsey....proactive maybe?
How loud do you sneeze?: i try not to sneeze loud but i can when i dont care if im not in class or something
Do you like your handwriting?: kind of sometimes i do and sometimes i dont
Ugliest color you've ever seen?: i love almost every color so i cant say
Does having matching socks matter to you?: not at all
If you were in band, what would you call it?: victim of ally and lea
Last time you were on a plane?: last summer and this summer
Have a digital camera?: nah but my step dad does
How big is your TV?: i dont have one personally but we have a pretty big one in the upstairs living room
Have you ever heard of Mystery Science Theater 3000?: YES and i fucking love that show
How many pillows do you sleep with?: i need two pillows at least but i only use one but i have about four on my bed
Most annoying commercail ever?: i dont know i havent seen too many lately
Lamest pick-up line ever?: i dont know maybe the pick your nose one
Dumbest song ever?: probably the milkshake song even though i sing along with it
Worst way to die?: it would have to be in your sleep because then you dont know when and you wouldnt be able to say goodbye to anyone and i think it would be the worst!!
Who's the funniest comedian?: that redneck guy on comedy central he was pretty funny the other night
Ever been in a car accident?: nope i almost hit lea but my quick reflexes swerved around him......but other than that im the most perfect driver lol
Ever had braces?: god yes!!!!!!!! they suck and im getting them off before dante comes out here no matter what!
Do you know HTML?: sure i dont know alex...lea
What's the most useless class in school?: the most useless i would have to say spanish because our teacher has no idea how to fill up the two hours worth!
Best Jones Soda flavor?: i would have to say the apple....
Something you collect?: pet rocks....bottle caps....
Something you're allergic to?: im lactose intolerant...i fucking hate cheese
Something you wish would die?: customers at work...well some of them...jsutu the ones who blame me for something i didnt even do and then sit there for abotu an hour and complain to me!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING BITCH!!!!!!!!!!