Meant to update this from the april 10th.

May 17, 2010 20:50

Unpacking, rearranging & organizing
well thats what I should be doing,
needless to say, I dont have enough energy to.
so I'm going to sit here and enjoy the last of my drink.
before i wear myself out unpacking everything from the month at the hospital.
i hate this time of the year,
seems to go by the slowest,
but when i look back it seems like it flew by,
Its funny cause i can't wait until i can get those cocktails figured out.
and feel it actually wokring, and making me better.
but after a few days it gets tiring.
the wear and tear it takes on my body, my appetite, and my soul...
i feel life less,  just a body on a bed, soaking in the drugs that im perscribed,
each pill & iv give me different kinds of side effects,
like a thunderstorm inside my body, it can't just be rain
its got to be thunder, lightning, rain, and wind..
it'd be to easy if all the antibiotics worked together
so instead, im stuck there in misery as the meds work against eachother.
I've caught my breath,
I'm out for the night: )
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