Dec 19, 2010 03:48
[Guess who just reached School Hard in his Buffy rewatch? It was a weird experience. On the bright side, Spike comes off as very cool, and the part where he incinerated the Anointed One, well, he's just bloody badass. There's a small part of him that's flattered at the part where Angel talks about how terrifying an enemy he is. And of course, he and Buffy fight brilliantly together. Even if it's just actors, and it's... bloody weird. He's already decided that watching the commentary and such is more than he can take.
He also isn't crazy about seeing himself kill again. And watching Buffy with Angel, knowing how that'll turn out, seeing things he was clearly never meant to witness. Then there's Drusilla. The former love of his life, back when things were good between the two of them. Her being here is confusing and difficult and he wishes he weren't this affected. But he's always love's bitch, even if he's no longer in love with the woman in question.
God, he misses Buffy.]
So, who's found out they're fictional somewhere? And if you have, did you manage to find it? Did you bother looking? Was it... like your life?
[A pause.]
One of the new inmates, Drusilla, she's from my world. She's bloody insane and incredibly deadly. [It's one of those things he used to love about her.] I think she doesn't have a warden yet, so I guess you can talk to me if she gives you trouble. If anyone can help, it's me. Probably.
*the doctor(7),
*agent k,
unholy creature of the night,
the big bad,
*buffy summers,
*toshiko sato,
blood is delicious,
love's bitch,
*amanda young,
not ashamed to admit it,
you always hurt the one you love,
*elphaba thropp,
bloody unlucky,
#buffy marathon,
*armand st. just,
*velma dinkley,
vampire with soul,
*nicolas de lenfent,
angel's a ponce,
*neil howie,
*sherlock holmes,