Dave's intermittent online references to Battlestar Galactica over the past year or two had put this show on my 'interested in watching' list, and about six weeks ago I got around to downloading the first season. Not having any cable this year has been a great incentive for watching tv shows in season-chunks, especially during the lulls when the shows I keep up with in real time aren't coming out with new episodes.
Some shows that I give a chance don't make it. I made it through the first 8 episodes of Hercules: Legendary Journeys, for example, before the nostalgia wore off and I couldn't keep watching on merit alone. Some are interesting enough to keep up with on a regular enough basis, an episode or two a week. The few that really rope me in keep me watching until there's nothing left to see.
Galactica was so-so for the first few episodes of season one. It took me a couple weeks to get past them. They struck me as cheezi at first, but thinking back I wonder if I just hadn't fully accepted the setting of the story yet. Once it all began to sink in it began to grow on me, and I finished the second half of the first season in a couple late night sittings.
Seasons two and three I watched over the last three or four weeks. I knew by the end of season two that I was going to miss the characters and their interaction when I was done with the third season. And I do, having been done with it as of this past weekend. I'm excited that the fourth season will be the last, while still being a bit let down. I recommend Galactica, with the caveat of give it a handful of episodes to grow on you before giving up on it. And for those of you who've been watching, feel free to get into nerdy discussions of it with me.
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