Activity Check

Jul 15, 2011 15:42

NOTE: pretty much all the CR in this check is backdated, due to an earlier hiatus.

Player Name: Jac
Character Name: Xerxes Break
Character Journal: break_xerxes
Activity Link: HERE
Brief Summary of Character's Plot: Break has been making 'new friends' as well as having a bit of an emotional roller coaster. He's been mostly wrapped up in his own drama tat the moment, not that Sharon has gone and Vincent has been locked up.

Character Name: Ronald Knox
Character Journal: id_rather_party
Activity Link: HERE
Brief Summary of Character's Plot: Still house hunting. He's been doing a lot of partying behind the scenes really, keeping his head down. Though lately he's been trying to help out when he can.

Character Name: Emperor Ukyou
Character Journal: 49th_idigo_czar
Activity Link: HERE
Brief Summary of Character's Plot: Ukyou has been trying to make partnerships, trying to make himself more wealthy and well known.
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