To Troll Or Not To Troll~

Feb 26, 2011 19:47

Alright, so Break is known in his canon as a bit of a troll. I'm applying that side of his personality in game heavily from now on, (more so than just reserving it for the lucky Gilbert.) and so he's going to be turning his attention to you guys \o/  I'm so sorry!

Hit this post up with your permissions of what you want Break to do and not do, when trolling your character(s).

✖ Can Break stalk/follow your character where ever they go?

✖ Can Break threadjack your tags and/or hack your private voice/video posts?

✖ Can Break spread rumours about your character that may or may not be true?

✖ Can Break crash/threadjack your log posts for comic relief?

✖ Can Break have found out information about your character, to use against them as manipulation/blackmail?If so, what information can he know?

Just leave me a comment on which of those he can and can not do, with regards to your character(s) and feel free to add anything specific you'd like him to do too, for example; crashing the place you work and telling people he's your boss? Stealing your NV and sending messages pretending to be you? that kinda thing.


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