Sorry for the long wait everyone! My dad decided to hog the computer and thus I couldn't wish Zero a happy birthday earlier... But in my timezone right now, it's still the 31st, so NYAH NYAH NYAH IT'S STILL NOT AUGUST 1ST YET FOR ME. >P (It's almost midnight though holy crap barely made it DDD8)
By the way, look what took place on Zero's peta page on midnight of the 31st:
There was this thing planned where everyone would swarm his peta page at midnight and peta him... With their main pic the same as Zero's default header picture. It was kinda hilarious to see pages and pages of Zero's face taking over his peta page XDDD And of course I participated in it, what are ya talkin' about?! I used his face too XDDD
The after-results:
Zero's birthday wishes came true~ He got a ton of petas so his pegasus peta pet turned into a dragon~ 8DDD He must've jizzed his pants in such joy of seeing so many petas swarmin' in. XDDD
So, what happens on a J-rocker's birthday if breadtoaster likes them? A picspam, a long speech, and verrrrrrrrry much tl;dr.
Should you be afraid? Yes. Very. *Lets loose an evil deranged cackle* THERE IS NO LJ-CUT FOR J-ROCKERS' BIRTHDAYS MY FRIENDS. >DDD
Sooo, once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our favorite perverted, shy, mumbling, blog-spamming, manties and takoyaki-obessed, otaku fanboy, hareotoko, abuser of wordplays and puns, Maou-sama, drunken bassist zERO-SAMA!!!!!
This guy is... *Starts laughing hard* Where can I begin, where can I begin, I have quite a LOT to say about this guy who has aggrevated me to no ends and made me almost cry tears while cracking up badly.... XDDD
Ohhhh man. I had the WORST first impression of this guy, ladies and ladies. Seriously. When I first saw a PV of D'espa's (I have no clue which PV it was, but I think it was Garnet *Has a horrible memory* XD), this is what I thought when I first saw Zero:
"...what an UGLY-lookin' guy right there!! oAO;;;"
My opinion has definitely changed for the better now!! I swear it!!! DDDDD8 But at first, I thought that Zero was the ugliest member of D'espa and that he seemed like a rather... Useless member to D'espa because he didn't seem skilled as the rest of the guys. Ah, my shallow mind back then. *Bitter smile* What place is he in now though?
Breadtoaster's rank of bias of D'espa members:
1. Tsukasa (This will never change >P)
2. Zero
3. Hizumi
4. Karyu (Oh come on now dun kill me too Karyu Mania DDD8)
...my my, a very big change from when it used to be:
1. Tsukasa (Duh)
2. Hizumi
4. Zero (Oopsies)
Of course, these lists above aren't ALL based on looks, but now I think that Zero is a very, very cute, handsome, good-lookin' man. X3 I mean, just look at that classic, toothless, sweet adorable yet dirty smile of his!
D'awww~ X3 Seriously, if you don't think that his smile isn't adorable, you have a heart of stone. A heart of cold, cold, frozen stone. DDD8
What about Zero as a musician? Now I hafta admit... I really don't think that Zero is one of the best bassists in the world.
...I keep on finding reasons for Zero Mania to hate me. *Sweats* ^^;;; But! This certainly doesn't mean that I think he's one of the worst bassists in J-rock! It's just... His basslines don't stick out to me. D8 I mean, they sound nice 'n' all, but they're also so... Generic. x( I wish Zero would play with a little more... Feeling? Boldness? Stick out more from Karyu and Hizumi who's drowning him out in sound? I don't know how to exactly describe it, but the only time I find when he really stands out is when he does a bass solo like in Yozora... But bass solos from Zero are EXTREMELY rare as everyone knows, same with Karyu with guitar solos. So, I end up not noticing Zero in songs at all thus making both Zero and I very unhappy. Oh, I just wish that he'd play something with a little more OOMPH and spice, ya know what I mean? ^^;;; Nevertheless, his basslines DO fit in most of D'espa's songs, so I'm happy with that. AND he's been improving rapidly since back then. Although I did like his basslines more from back then. *Is a bigass hypocrite* Anyways, keep on working hard, Zero-kun!! I'm rooting for ya all the way x]
Not to mention that he fucks his beautiful bass Tricksy up good too ;DDD :
(I believe credit goes to
amelonbread for filming this porn, so THANKS x 9001 to her for this *O* And if ya want me to take it down from here, just tell me ;P)
So, when did I start liking Zero as my 2nd-favorite member?
...when I volunteered to join as a translator for
despairsrayzero , that's when.
I had absolutely nooooo clue of what I was getting myself into. Did I know that over a gazillion entries of spam and camwhore pics was gonna come my way?
Do I regret joining as a translator for Zero's Ameblog?
...Absolutely not. XDDDDD
I definitely have no regrets joining shade_graves and her conquest to translate Zero's neverending spam for everyone. None at all. From the start, I knew that something was about to change in the way I understood Zero when I started to translate his entries, and something did change indeed.
Now I feel like I understand and predict Zero's behavior a little too well, and feel like some sort of a... Mother or close friend/relative watching over Zero fondly. It sound be weird/stupid/cheesy, but I really feel somewhat of a closer relationship with Zero now that I've read most of his thoughts and opinions. I just love how he's eager to blog about almost every single detail of how his day went. I can say with confidence that Zero is a VERY big sweetheart and loves all of his fans, and can definitely cheer up anyone if they've had a gloomy day.
....I'll still never forgive that wahho thing he pulled on me though. THAT I'll have an eternal grudge on him for. *Is gonna harass him to no ends if I finally meet him in person JUST for that* >OOO
There have been so many benefits in translating his Ameblog entries that I'm thankful for. Translating his hilarious entries have been a joy and a pleasure, even if they made me tired or pissed me off a little at times for either the sheer amount of them or if Zero decided to word his sentences a little awkwardly on that particular day (I blame the latter for him deciding to blog when drunk plus my horrible Japanese skills). But thank God that his Japanese is quite easy to understand. Not when he speaks though, THAT'S a whole different ball game, folks. XDDD >A<;;; I'll be really sad when the time comes for his Ameblog to close down on D'espa's anniversary day. T_____T
I find it sort of amusing that he's much more sociable and talkative online than offline, but we can't help that since that's just his shy and quiet nature... But I won't stop hoping that he'll decide to open up more in real life! Every time he decides to blabber on like a motormouth, my jaw literally drops open in shock. I just go, "OMFG, ZERO?!?!?!?? OAO;;;" And gawk and gawk and gawk. While swelling up with sheer pride. X3
If I ever meet him someday, the first thing I'll do his take his hand and shake it and then say:
"Thank you so much Zero, for posting so much of your thoughts and opinions on your Ameblog. The foreign fans overseas and I really appreciate it.
....but I wish you wouldn't spam your blog so much!! You know that I do translate your blog nearly everyday for other people >OOO"
Ufufufufu, yush, I WILL get my revenge on him! And watch as his face contorts into a shocked expression of utter confusion! MWAHAHAHAHAHAH- *Coughs and chokes from another Zero fan attempting to choke me to death*
Ah, I guess I should end it here now... Since even this is getting a little too long in my opinion. XDDD; So cheers to our dear beloved demon king Zero and may he continue to ask all his fans what color their underwear is for all of eternity!!!
毎日気愛を送りますよ、魔王様!!!!!(笑) ♥
I apologize now if I completely consumed your F-list with this entry. m(_ _;)m