(no subject)

Dec 14, 2011 09:45

[Action A for 1645 Albright Lane]
[Charlie wakes to the cold, and the quiet. It's much too quiet. The constant hum of the heater is gone, the lights aren't putting off the familiar near-silent noise, her alarm clock isn't blaring in her ears-- it's a little too unsettling for her taste. She creeps out of bed, changes into a clean dress, and tromps down the stairs to check everything out.

First bad sign: When she goes to pick up the phone in the kitchen, it doesn't work.

Second bad sign: The calendar's a week and a half later than it should be.]

Oh Hell, this town hates me.

[Action B - In your Living Room]

[So, suited up in her ridiculous huntress costume, sans mask and wig, Charlie's bouncing around town to try and check up on her friends. She's got a coat on top that makes her look a little less ridiculous, but not much.

Mayfield hijinks ensue, and she'll end up in just about anyone's living room, regardless of if she knows you or not. The two exceptions are 630 Topper Street, where she'll end up on the front porch, and 847 Goldberg Street, where she'll end up in Caesar's bedroom.]

[Action C - The Streets of Mayfield]

[What's that Mayfield? You don't need a masked vigilante tromping through the snow after dark? Well too bad, because Charlie's doing it anyway. Her costume's surprisingly warm.

If she spots you, chances are you're gonna get helped, regardless if you want or need it or not.]
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