1) Still no air conditioning! After a sleepless night in the heat of Miami, we called the AC people this morning. The problem is a coil. However, the coil needed to be ordered. Thus, we have a second night of no AC. Tomorrow things will hopefully be running.
2) Registration is a bitch. I knew things were too simple when I was able to pick 5 classes in 10 minutes with little conflict. I get to UM promptly at 9:45 for my registration time. When I'm finally attended, the little old lady tells me that MKT 310 is full and that I would need to get an override. So I hustle to the business school to see if the professor is there. He is! But he doesn't have the power to grant overrides. Only the head of the marketing department does that and he only gives overrides to graduating seniors (next term, of course). So I hustle back to the registrar to do a change with my psych classes. Wait in line again. Sorry, to add that class you need a drop/add form with your advisor's signature. So, I hustle to the School of Communication. My advisor fills out the form and signs. Back I go to the registrar's office. (Mind you I'm starting to sweat and I'm dressed nicely for work.) Wait in line AGAIN. Luckily, there was no problem. It is now 10:45 am. ONE HOUR after my scheduled time. Sigh. Registration will never be simple. I have a 10:50 class. So I hustle over to Memorial. The classroom door was locked and the professor was not yet there. So I rushed to the restroom to freshen up. Hopefully I did not stink too badly today.
3) DSL. Still no DSL! We needed a filter for the alarm. We finally got the damn filter and installed it. STILL NO DAMN DSL! Grr. At the earliest it will be resolved tomorrow. Dad's not home yet and by the time he gets home (he got home at 1:40 am last night) it'll be too late to deal with today. Oh well. I'm starting to get used to not having DSL even though it is still annoying.
I saw the most amazing thing today. This cell-phone talking and smoking driver owns a car that can't get wet! On my way to school today there was a truck in the opposite direction we were going using a large hose to water the grass on the other side. The guy in front of me just stopped. I honked. He did nada. So I HONKED (held my hand on the horn until he moved)! I can't believe he couldn't get his damn car wet. Damn asshole!
Ok, so I have 2 articles for you today. They're not too long. The first is a very entertaining one from The Miami Hurricane. A guy's idea of what to do with the short shorts girls wear:
http://www.thehurricaneonline.com/news/411443.html?mkey=473211. The second indirectly deals with the war. It's about how anti-war/anti-Bush people are being called unpatriotic. Excellent article!
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/08/opinion/08KRUG.html?th=&pagewanted=print&position=bottom I think that is all for now. MUAH to all while I live in the sweltering heat. (On top of that, I'm living in the dark...I'm keeping lights off to minimize the heat. I swear it's feels like the days before electricity and AC, but with a computer and tv...)