Goku's puppies are getting bigger by the day. They're already running all over the house and trying to get into things. It's a handful sometimes, just trying to keep all of them out of trouble, but I can't say I mind it. They're cute and they make me laugh with some of the things they do. ^^ They've started trying to eat food now also, so we haven't had to feed them by bottle as much anymore. Pretty soon they'll be completely weened and able to look after themselves. And at that point...we'll have to find new homes for them. As much as I'd love to just keep them all here with us, we can't do that. We wouldn't be able afford taking care of Goku and all eight of his fully-grown pups and we don't have enough room for that many dogs.
Okaa-san said it was okay if Noé kept the puppy that he had grown attached to, the runt of the litter. Which he is apparently going to name Gohan. ...Get it? 'Cause his father is named Goku? Ehn, what can I say? The boy likes Dragonball Z. T_T; But the others we'll need to look for homes for them. Thankfully, Ibu-kun agreed to take one of them, so that's one less to worry about. And Hitomi-nee-san said something a while back about maybe taking one. Did you still want one, Nee-san?
But I've been thinking, I'd really like it if the puppies were all able to go to the homes of people I know. That way I know they would be in good hands, and Goku and Gohan would still have the chance to see their family. So I was wondering, does anyone want a puppy? I promise, they're really good dogs! They all inherited their father's 'good dog' gene! ^^
[OOC: Puppies~! Get your free puppies here~! And for a general idea of what the puppies look like,
pictures. They're Lab/Afghan hound mixes, some are solid black like their daddy and others are a brown and black mix, and they all have that curly tail. ^^]