Apr 12, 2006 23:13
Wow, I amaze myself sometimes... But the amazement is in a form of sorrow. I could have sworn I wrote on this silly thing since the last time I went to my moms. Guess not. Let me do alittle story telling then.
*Real Life*
A few weeks back I went to my moms. It was only for the weekend, but it was fun. I sat up till 5 in the mornin' at Denny's with my sis, Janet, Kevin, Zach, and meself. We sat around and talked and drank coffee and cracked joke after joke after joke. I had fun. After this night it made me realize how different I am than everyone else. I don't remember much else of that week.
Now. It's spring break. Last Friday and Saturday I went on a debate trip. It was the last debate trip of the school year. I did congress and I got my bill passed! It was soooo sweet. I wrote a joke bill that said something along the lines of "Make the amount of hours in a day equal 48"... And I don't know if I just dominated or what but it passed. Everyone loved it. I got to meet a few people on the debate trip. Namely Casey.
So, that Friday night, the night of the debate trip, we all had to stay in a hotel. Come to find out, other debater's from other schools were staying there too, specifically Granite City. Well, the 2 girls from my school were like "Hey Dustin, You know that guy you sat next to in Congress today? The hot one. Yea, He's staying a few doors down. Think you can get him to hang out with us tonight?" Being the person I am... I agree. So, I open my door and as I do take a wild guess as to who was walking past the door. The hott guy. We were all hanging out in his room most of the night.
The hott guy and Amy started making out at about 1, so everyone left. I left with some guy from Granite named Nathan, and a girl named Casey. We went up to the fifth floor and chilled out on the coach up there that faced inward so we could see the lobby(btw, this hotel was friggin awesome). Nathan sat on the left of me, me in the mid, and Casey on the right. The whole time i was thinking "Man, Nathan's a cool guy, but if he wasn't here I'd soooo be making out with this girl." Well, It got to about 3:30 and Casey got tired so she layed down on my lap with her legs over Nathan and fell asleep. Me and Nathan talked until about 4:30 then we decided we should prolly be getting to sleep now. I woke Casey and told her that if she can't get into her room then she can stay with me. We all started to go for our rooms. Casey goes "Screw it, I'll just stay with you"... And came back to my room with me. Well, what's a man to do when he has a hott girl in his room all to himself. I totally took advantage of the situation... One thing led to another and I ended up sleeping with her.. *cough*
Spring Break wasn't over after that! I got this brilliant spurt-of-the-moment idea to go to my moms. It was my sisters idea for me to come stay with her for the weekend. Well... I'm glad I did because we got drunk. Played alittle circle of death, it was fun. Megan, My sis, her bf Zach, me, and some other katts I don't really know where there. I got pretty wasted and passed out early. I don't even remember what happend... My sis kept saying I was going up stairs and down stairs doing something, but I can't remember for the life of me waht it was. But I'm sure y'all can understand the not remembering thing, eh? Hehe.
I start my job at Taco Bell tomorrow. Wish me luck!
I want to talk about me, and my feelings for megan now. I think I understand them alittle better now... As everyone knows... I love Megan. Also, abit obviously, that isn't stopping me from doing things with other girls. Megan is the only girl I really care what she thinks(besides my sis). She means everything to me even though I know her feelings for me now aren't returned. Alittle while back(my last post) I explained to her my feelings that still resided for her. She seemed to still like me alittle.. A very very little. She now has this fascination for a katt named Steven, whom I don't have a problem with. I've never met the guy but I can say that I like him better than Kevin. Y'know, It's not even me that hates Kevin, it's Brazer. Heh, Brazer hates Kevin... not me... Anyway, back to Megan. She's always on my mind because I'm constantly being reminded of her. The quote "Out of sight, out of mind" fits perfectly, the problem is that she's never out of sight. I try my darndest to ignore my memories, feelings, and emotions for her. And I'm succeeding in ignoring, but only time will tell. I care for her, but my emotions for her aren't stopping me. I'm sorry if i do something stupid...
I'm wasting away my mind, body, and life with my habits. And it stops now.
*Secret Life*
Lately there has been this thing. This massive thing that has been filling the space in which Brazer inhabits, which made it hard for me to communicate with him and put him in control. It's gone now and we still don't know what it was. Monday night I put Brazer in control for a few minutes and the craziest thing happend. He... I.. Something happend and he sorta got incredibly weak. He couldn't sustain control of me. I don't know if the getting wasted helped or not but things are fine now, I hope...
Besides this.. Everything's fine. I've been attempting to dual again lately. I succeeded last week, but it only lasted and hour or so. Eh, I hope I master this tech. That would be awesome.