[Log] Meet the Parents

May 28, 2006 00:21

Who: A'tan, Devany, Lekzanne, R'dur, Rhyan (NPC), Ysalia (NPC), Z'nal
When: Day 31, Month 10, Turn 7
Where: Inner Caverns, Telgar Weyr
What: Several parents run into each other outside the nursery.

Inner Cavern
     This huge cavern lies within the bowels of Telgar Weyr. The ceiling above, somewhat darkened, seems to be black in the dim light of the glows. Under this blackness, it's almost a hive. A large part of this cavern is a place where the lower cavern work is done: washing, making, remaking - endless chatter and noise concentrated around islands of bright glowlight. People come and go from several tunnels to the east and west, adding to general movement. There are several more secluded places with a table and few chairs, used by more idle folk for gaming or chat.
     In the southwestern part of the cavern, a small opening in the dark seems to be overlooked by everyone, and quite unused.
     From here there is a large entrance into the Living Cavern, the center of activity of the Weyr. There are also smaller entrances leading off into the weyrfolk quarters, the tunnel to the steam baths, candidate barracks, and a corridor leading to the Nursery.
     Several corridors also lead to quarters for the more permanent members of the Weyr.


Obvious exits:
Weyr Entrance Living Cavern Candidate Barracks INFirmary Nursery Steam Baths Corridor Weyrfolk Quarters

     A'tan is a broad shouldered young man who now pushes his full height of 6'3" with legs that seem to go on forever. His lighter skin can be attributed to his life at Telgar weyr, but is tanned as much as his duties will allow. His brown hair hangs down to his shoulders with an unruliness that can't seemed to be tamed. His face is cut and chisled with full lips, higher cheek bones and a well formed nose. The best feature of this greenrider is his klah brown eyes and full lashes. They are often shy, but full of emotion and feeling. His chest has filled out and his arms are toned and strong.
     A'tans outfit is somewhat worn, but very comfortable. He wears a dark green shirt that fits snugly so he can move without being inhibited. Its tucked neatly into a pair of dark leathers with a woven belt. His feet are adorned with soft leather boots laced up the front. He wears a black and white knot with a green thread intertwined for his lifemate Leonneth. He also proudly wears the Thunderbolt patch for his wing. A'tan looks to be about 26 Turns, 5 months, and 7 days old.

     Z'nal has unusual, titian toned hair that gets darker as he ages and has currently settled into a medium auburn, it's long, soft waves reaching down to frame the young man's high, chiseled cheekbones and square jawline. Pale brown lashes serve to highlight his cerulean colored eyes, eyes that are deep set underneath a slightly protruding browline, as if they're trying to hide their owner's innermost thoughts and emotions. His generous, bow-like mouth is set below an aquiline nose that has a smattering of freckles across it, giving him a youthful appearance to go with his twenty-three turns. He is a rangy, almost six feet tall, with wide, solid shoulders that top a lithe form of rolling curves of lean muscle. Supple and strong, the muscles flow throughout his body, across bone and sinew, shifting it effortlessly with grace and power when in motion. He carries himself well, just a hint of swagger and a dash of sheepishness, just like Zain has been caught doing something he shouldn't be doing, but alas, doesn't care...too much.
     Z'nal's sweater immediately brings to mind seas of Tillek. Its done in the traditional raised knit pattern of the Hold, with soft, double thick yarns that are combined in a traveling cable and double moss stitch. Hints of the original color, a dark Tillek blue, can still be seen throughout the sweater's subtly variegated marine tones. There's a comfortable mellowness to the shape of it, though it skims along the man's torso somewhat closely, giving just a hint of the lean-muscles it hides, as do the trousers the man is wearing. Dyed in the deepest, darkest of charcoal grey, the supple leather hugs the rider, but not in confining way, to allow for ease of movement. Very simple and well constructed to last, they go perfectly with his well-worn black wherhide flying boots. The only other item he wears is his shoulder knot, Igen's colors, laced through with a rich brown, marking him as a rider from that illustrious Weyr.

     Strands of rich honey blonde, with shadings of amber are caught up with black cord, pulling Devany's waist length tresses back in a thick braid. The style serves only to accentuate her aristocratic features; a porcelain complexion stretches over the high cheekbones set on an oval face, that sports only the faintest of clefts in her chin. Her nose could be considered small and is just slightly too concave to be considered fully straight, while her lips are a bit thin, yet well shaped. The line of her eyebrows arc naturally over warm, clear blue eyes which are lightly brushed with hints of grey. When she speaks her voice is a soft alto, that carries more because she projects it, than due to the volume.
     Knitted from the softest of yarns in colors reminiscent of Boll's jungles. The mingled hues are threaded through the main overtone in such a perfectly random manner they simply form a uniform impression of rich green. Stitched over with the shell pattern that marks its origin, based on its design, as Gar Hold; the garment having just enough stretch to fit the woman in her third stage of pregnancy. Fawn-colored brocade fabric flows from the wrap-around waist; the skirt is lined for added warmth and falls in an A-line cut to brush at her ankles with each step, showing fur lined boots. On her shoulder is the knot of her office, in the colors of Southern Boll Hold.

Devany and Z'nal are standing by the entrance to the nursery, speaking quietly with a small group, that looks to be comprised of a couple of healers and a nanny. The Igen brownrider has a hand resting lightly against the Boll Steward's back and though he's not aware of it, he has assumed a seemingly protective posture. The whole group is smiling and the conversation's tenor serious, but not overly so and when it stops, the other three go back to whatever it was they were previously doing and leaving the honey blonde and the titian haired man to themselves. "Well what did you think Devany? Going to be okay for you?" is asked in lowered tones, Zain obviously trying not to be heard except by the woman the questions are directed to...

"No, no, no, no!" A child's angry denials of the inevitable ring down the halls of Telgar Weyr as R'dur walks down them, wincing. His daughter, nearly three, flails sulkily in his arms, defying all his weak attempts to calm her. "I'm sorry--no, maybe Mommy will--please, Ysalia--don't behave like this. You know Mommy and Daddy don't like it. You have to go home to Mommy--Bri and Daddy don't have anywhere for you, Ysalia, dear. Don't cry." Their destination is plainly the nursery, R'dur looking weary and all-too-ready to hand off the sulky child to the nannies and her mother. When he sees the meeting taking place at the doors, however, he pulls up short, not willing to intrude; he stops to one side, out of the way, and continues the onerous task of calming Ysalia.

A'tan comes walking into the lower caverns holding a small girl in his arms, held out so her arms are out to the side squealing in delight as she 'flies' through the air, of course in complete trust that her father won't drop her. The rider glances up after weaving through the couches and realizes that the nursery is going to be a busy place today and smiles when he sees his friends. He pulls the girl closer into his arms now to hold her so he can offer a wave to R'dur, "Got your hands full there don't you." he says with a grin. His dark eyes roam over to his friends, his daughter amusing herself now by trying to stick her hand into the man's mouth.

A shift in the honey blonde's position, not pulling away, but rather briefly leaning against the man at her side may show her own pregnancy to those who approached from behind more clearly. Devany's voice light, but low as she answer's Z'nal with more than the simple nod she also gives, "It will have to be." Then glancing up sidelong she smiles, "I'll do fine, Zain, I'm sure. Not like the process is any different here or there. Just the people." She might have answered more, but her attention is drawn enough to glance away, likely by the protests of the child or R'dur's attempts to calm the girl, and while she holds off actually greeting, she sends a polite smile that way and comments instead, "I think we've been blocking the doorway a bit?"

Z'nal follows Devany's gaze, offering a smile as well, his own warm and friendly as he nods and responds with, "yes, we would appear to be so...forgive us." This last is said to the other brownrider, a flicker of recognition showing in his expression as he looks at the man, before his eyes drop down to fairly unhappy girl. He chuckles in commiseration, gently steering himself and the honey blonde out the way, before calling out a greeting to A'tan, who he just notices, "I would say he does, as do you..."

Long-suffering, R'dur glances sideways at A'tan, offering the greenrider a wry smile. "I--yes, I think so," he agrees, while Ysalia sniffles and works her way up to full-scale tears, tiny hands clinging desperately to him. Distractedly, to the pair in the doorway, he notes, "Oh, please--don't let me interrupt, sir, ma'am. I'm--I'm sorry, about Ysalia, I mean. She's just--I'm sorry." Hastily, he steps forward to meet the businesslike nanny who's stepped forward to investigate the disturbance. With one quick threat to spank Ysalia if she doesn't behave, the nanny silences the toddler, who knows enough to know when someone means business--and R'dur definitely doesn't. The brownrider sighs when Ysalia, still trying to sniffle futilely, disappears into the nursery, and he offers the trio outside an apologetic smile. "I really am sorry," he insists, sheepishly.

A'tan grins happily and tickles Rhyan's belly and gives her a kiss before answering with a nod and then chuckles at R'dur a little bit. "Oh no worries R'dur. We all have children and know eventually Rhyan will be at that point to where she fusses and fights authority more often. Ysalia is just a little older is all." Rhyan squirms around more when she sees Z'nal and Devany, holding her arms out to the recognized couple, "Down down down down daddy." The rider sighs and shakes his head, but does let the little one down to toddler over and clutch at Devany's legs, "Up up up." she demands with her small hands held out high to the woman, not caring of course that she is pregnant and may not want to hold the little one.

Z'nal had blinked slightly at his fellow brownrider's use of 'sir', the whole thought of it making him chuckle again, even as he raises his free hand, in a polite gesture of waving off his apology, "please, don't give it a second thought...R'dur is it?" Of course this is confirmed by A'tan's use of the other man's name, which Zain acknowledges by nodding to the greenrider with a lopsided grin, "as our mutual friend here has pointed out we all have children, Devany and I have twins actually, with another on the way, you're in very understanding company." He kneels down to Rhyan and offers his own hand to pick the little up if she'll allow, perhaps not wanting to burden the honey blonde with having to do so.

Devany gives a shake of her head, "No, really. We didn't need to hold everyone up. We just dort of all ended up here when we stopped to talk. I don't think it occurred to any of us that we we're in the way." Her smile again polite, though perhaps more open than that now that she's sure there is no upset over the matter, "Nothing to apologize for." A'tan is given a warmer smile, one that goes with recognition as she looks that way, and then one for Rhylan as well, "I can hold her Zain, if that's what she'd prefer. Lifting is just getting a little more challenging."

"She's adorable, A'tan," remarks R'dur with a smile for the greenrider and his daughter. "How old is she now? Ysalia is not quite three, and they keep telling me she'll be out of this stage soon, but..." He winces, plainly skeptical. Quickly, glancing sideways to Z'nal and Devanyhe remarks, "Ah, yes, sir. R'dur, brown Alidaeth's. It's good to meet you both--Telgar's duties, of course. And congratulations, also. Twins, that must be a challenge? Just one Ysalia is enough to run Yselle and myself ragged keeping up with her."

Rhyan tilts her head when Z'nal kneels down to offer his hands, which she responds by blinking a few times and then furrows her brows, the look so much like her mother. She lifts her eyes back up to the woman and rocks back and forth with her hands still up hoping the the honey blonde will comply. A'tan though sighs and starts to step over, "Rhy, you might be too heavy now...ummm, she's about 3 months past her first turn now R'dur. And thank you. She is quite beautiful." He looks over at Devany offering a silent apology for his daughters persistence.

Z'nal sighs dramatically at no one in particular, murmuring something about loosing his touch, but the whispered comment is done through a smile as he rises to his feet slowly. "We're actually cheating a bit in keeping up with our twins R'dur, we have a wonderful woman who's been helping us with them since birth, a great auntie, for lack of a better term, though she's not related to us by blood," is offered cheerfully to the Telgari brownrider, "I'm Z'nal, rider of brown Uralth and I think we've encountered one another before, though the circumstances didn't allow for us to truly speak." His smile broadens as he turns it onto the honey blonde, introducing her with, "...and this is Devany, the Steward of Southern Boll."

"Well met, R'dur, and Boll's duties of course...Yselle..Now why does that name..Oh, the woman in the stores, you remember, Zain? The one looking for the misplaced toy?" her gaze shifts from one rider to the other as she addresses them both, then the Bollian Steward turns back to R'dur, and smiles as she's introduced, though Zain is given a quick, curious look for his words. Bur a moment later, Devany waves off any need for an apology with a quick gesture to A'tan and softly spoken words, "I can hold her, A'tan," she assures with a smile. "Truly, It's fine. She can't be as heavy as the twins."

"They grow up fast," observes R'dur, every parent's woe. "I remember when Ysalia was that age--I could still handle her back then." He sighs, gives his head a quick shake, and then offers another small, shy smile to the visitors, blushing at Z'nal's words and the reminder of the flight. "Ah, yes. Not the... not the best of times," he murmurs. He hesitates a moment, biting his lip, and finally asks, "Will you be staying with us, then, until..." He doesn't finish. Instead, he clarifies, "Ah, yes. Yselle is Telgar's Weyrsecond."

A'tan moves over to at least pick up the toddler, who of course lets out a grumble still wanting the woman, but the man nods and gives Rhyan to Devany. "Thanks. I'm not sure what's up with her the past few days." The young man sighs softly and pats the baby on the back and takes a step back before her little hand comes out and swats at the air instead of his face. "See, definately in a mood, unless of course I've got her 'flying' in my arms around the weyr." The rider runs his fingers through his locks and grins at R'dur, "I remember when you found out that Yselle was pregnant with Ysalia. That was a fun time." he teases.

Z'nal's brows furrow a moment as he apparently trys to recall the encounter with the Telgari Weyrsecond and its only after a several moments, that the light of remberance dawns over his features and he says, "ah, yes...Yselle. She must have been looking for a toy for the little one you share R'dur." He clears his throat slightly, blue eyes taking note of his fellow brownrider's shy smile and blush, and its with a much gentler tone he answers the man's inquiry with, "yes, I'll be staying till after the hatching, then going back to Igen." Stepping a little closer to Devany, one of his hands raises to rest again at the small of the woman's back, while his other waggles a playful finger at Rhyan, "now you behave..." There's no threat or unkindness in his voice, just the gentleness of before, with a dash of silly.

"She's the weyrsecond? I missed that somehow. But I suppose my attention was elsewhere. I didn't even get her name until we were on the way out." Devany admits with a shrug and glances between the men, "And why ever is it I get the feeling there is a lot being left unsaid?" The woman, while seeming amused, also not seeming to mind being direct. "Well, we all get into moods sometimes, A'tan. It's a ladies right to be mysterious about hers, right Rhyan?" Devany asks the youngster directly, giving the child a warm, gentle smile, before glancing to R'dur and mentioning, "We'll both be staying, actually. Lady Dyane was kind enough to let me stay here with Zain while I'm grounded." The touch at her back and the brownrider's proximity earning her weyrmate a similar smile to the one the child gained.

Lekzanne walks in from the living caverns.
Lekzanne has arrived.

     Clear grey eyes stare intently out, surrounded by dark lashes. Light brown eyebrows arch delicatly, clearly visible below her forehead. Her silvery-blonde hair is obvious well cared for, as there are few split-ends or breaks, rather remarkable considering how fine the texture is. It hangs to her waist. Age has added height, and as a woman, she stands a respectable five inches above five feet. A figured toned from a life of riding, she also sports curves in all the right places.
     A form-fitting, though casual looking blue tunic hugs Lekzanne's curves in all the right places. A sapphire blue in color, the deep V neckline adds to the length of her body, as well as the swell of her chest. The tunic flows right down to her thighs. A pair of form-hugging pants follow after, the cream-colored wherhide snug against her legs. She wears a pair of dark brown boots which rise to mid thigh and accent her well. Her hair is left loose, the straight blonde hair left to hang to her waist.
     She wears the knot of Telgar Weyr, a strand of brown representing her lifemate.
     A ring hangs from a chain around her neck.
     Lekzanne is 29 Turns, 1 months, and 11 days old.

A'tan chuckles and rolls his eyes with a nod, "Yes I do suppose that women have their air of mystery. My weyrmate still has a pretty good spell over me most of the time." Rhyan gurgles happily now that her demands have been met and wraps her little arms around the woman's neck letting her head fall to the warm shoulder only to finally pop her thumb in her mouth. A'tan shakes his head at his daughters antics. "Yes she knows where to find the most comfortable spots my daughter takes after me in that respect." The dark eyes dancing with mirth as he crosses his arms over his broad chest, "I'm glad that she's letting you stay here with us Dev. You'll be able to keep Zain here out of trouble." He nudges the brownrider playfully.

For A'tan, R'dur has another wince, his cheeks flushing vibrantly. "Ah, yes. Yes, I remember, too," he mutters. "I think... everyone in the Weyr found that funny, or amazing. Except myself, and Yselle. And Bri--Brijana," he swaps to his weyrmate's full name after a slip, as usual in company. To Z'nal: "Ah, maybe. She has three daughters, actually--well, two, but she fosters a friend's child--" again that wince, this time as he mentions T'van "--but Ysalia is her youngest." Distractedly, he adds, with another smile for Devany, "We're glad to have you with us, though. We're all looking forward to the clutch, and the hatching, of course." And, lastly, he notes to A'tan, "Weyrmates... have that affect on people." Note the dreamy look stealing over his face again.

Z'nal returns Devany's smile with a tender one of his own, leaning in as his head tilts so that he can press a soft, lingering kiss to her temple...all done *before* the nudge from the greenrider, "I don't think anyone, save Uralth can truly keep me out of trouble, though my Lady here does have her moments." He winks between the Boll Steward and his friend, before saying to the honey blonde, "we should get going love, we promised Euphie we'd be back soon and I'm afraid soon has already past." He smiles gently at her then turns that same smile, on R'dur, though it broadens a bit when he notes the man's dreamy expression, "it was nice to have met R'dur, I'm sure I'll see you around the Weyr."

Lekzanne strides into the Lower Caverns, a mess of straps drapped over her shoulders so that she looks more like a walking mound of leather. She's minding her own business, sniffling now and again, when she nearlly collides with the group standing around. "Oof! Sorry, can't see very well." She's missed the whole tender kissing scene, but does smile towards Z'nal and Devany.

Z'nal has left.

"As is only appropriate, A'tan." Devany answers with a glance his way and another smile, "I'm glad too. I really didn't want to think about me being there, him being here and having to borrow time together through out the the last few months, and when the babe comes." That admitted softly enough and with a smile for the child in her arms. A grin for R'dur too as she smiles, "I would have asked for better timing, but I do look forward to seeing Uralth's eggs and children." She laughs softly, "Well I do try to at least help Uralth in keeping him out of more trouble, but it does follow him," She gives a sigh and a nod, "We'b better, yes. We did promise." She srps forward to hand A'tan his daughter back, giving the girl a last smile and a light touch on the arm, "I'll see you next time, little one." Smiles are given all round and the honey blonde takes Z'nal's arm, "Yes, nice to have met you R'dur, I'm sure we'll see each other again before too long. And that last goes for you too, A'tan. Good night." A nod to each of them, Lekzanne too, and the pair are on their way.

Devany has left.

A'tan smiles and takes the child back into his arms. He gets a sleepy look from the aqua colored eyes as she decides that she doesn't want to be difficult, instead snuggles into her daddy's warm chest instead. A'tan rubs her back gently and nods to Devany and Z'nal, "Good night and I'm sure we'll see each other again soon. Hopefully with Shay this time." He glances over at Lekzanne with a grin, "Sure looks like you have enough straps there for the whole weyr Lek. What are you doing?" He grins at R'dur and then shifts the child slightly to have a better hold on her growing heavier sleeping weight.

"Good night, sir, ma'am," R'dur offers Z'nal and Devany politely, with a parting smile for their departure. Lekzanne's entrance, however, makes him quickly step backward, away from her, and then worriedly forward again. "Oh, er. Ma'am. Are you all right, ma'am?" he asks quickly. "Can I help you with that?"

Lekzanne shakes her head, though it's mostly hidden by her riding straps. She grins towards A'tan, and nods her head. "Yea, looks like a lot, but it's really just Kesh's set. I never realize how large he is until I have to lug his straps around. Oh, and... where're the store rooms? I ran out of oil." She turns and coughs into her strap-baring shoulder. "Ugh, sharding cold."

A'tan nods and grins, "I forget how much straps there are for the larger dragons. I'm glad I've got a green instead of a bronze or brown. Even my mom's blue is rather big and she's smaller than I am." Rhyan has now taken to sucking noisily on her thumb, curls falling over her eyes as the little has settled into the curve of A'tan's chest. He glances down at his sleeping burden, "I should probably go and get her down for the night. Shayera will be angry with me if she doesn't sleep well tonight." He smiles at both, "I hope you both have a nice evening. Maybe I'll meet up with you at dinner sometime."

"Oh, they're this way, ma'am," notes R'dur with a gesture, carefully arranged to allow Lekzanne to actually see it past her straps. "Are you /sure/ you don't need any help, ma'am?" And, to the greenrider, he adds, "Oh, goodnight, A'tan. Another time, then."

Lekzanne lifts her hand, straps and all, and waves to A'tan. "Night greenie," she says cheerfully, grinning. "And no, I don't need any help, and would you quiet calling me ma'am. I'm not that old. It's Lekzanne, or Lekz."

A'tan chuckles softly to himself as he heads out.

A'tan walks through the large entrance to the Living Cavern.
A'tan has left.

"I think," R'dur notes solemnly, "you've told me that before. I'm sorry--it's not an easy habit for me to break. But if you're sureyou're all right, I should be on my way, also--Brijana will be expecting me home. Good night, ah. Lekzanne." He offers the other brownrider a small smile before turning and slipping out.

lekzanne, z'nal, ysalia, r'dur, rhyan, devany, a'tan

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