[Log] Mushy Stuff

May 27, 2006 22:56

Who: Harley, L'sen, R'hin
When: Day 31, Month 10, Turn 7
Where: Diving Cliff, High Reaches Weyr
What: L'sen and Harley's mushiness drives R'hin away.

Diving Cliff
     Soft, resolute, and dreamlike, the day's ending sunlight provides for an eerie gaze across the Weyr, not to the worn, stone steps that disappear into this flat area resting high above the waters below. Huddled families of rocks, boulders and pebbles lay strewn around the edges of the clifftop. The sandy center of the half-plateau seems to have been cleared of any debris and the area provides enough room, sitting or standing, for many people. A small journey to the edge of the precipice reveals the true use of this place. The deep, midnight-blue waters of the lake shimmer below in the dimming light, and the shorn patch of rock near the edge proves that many a person has felt the thrill of a swift flight from this clifftop, only to be enveloped by the chilly waters of the Weyr lake.
     The evening is clear, not a cloud to be seen, giving you a perfect view of the stars. The smaller Belior is a nearly full waxing gibbous while Timor is a nearly full waning gibbous. The strong winds howl through the bowl and the fall air temperature feels comfortable.

Obvious exits:

     Eyes of a vivid blue gaze back at you curiously before a warm spark lights them. Her oval face holds those large, deep set eyes beneath a delicately arched brow. A long slender nose ends above a pair of full lips. Her chin is smooth and straight, coming to a dainty point. Long, straight blond hair cascades down the sides of her face, over her shoulders and down to her waist. Her skin appears flawless, almost glowing with health, as smooth and soft as the petals of a flower. She is of average height and appears to be in her late teens.
     A simple dress of dark navy blue hangs in an almost straight line from her shoulders. Short sleeves, a scoop neckline and the simple A-line cut of the dress give her the appearance of added elegance. There is no decoration of any sort on the dress. She has worn it before. It has been a loose dress, causing comment because it is so loose. It has started to snug up around her hips and in front. Not much, but the added weight has become visible.

     Clear, firm lines denote his facial features within an oval shaped face, light blue eyes set under bushy eyebrows. His hair is generally scruffy and falls long enough to touch the back of his collar, the sandy color leaning more often towards brown than blonde without the aid of sun. His skin holds a fast-fading tan, though still has enough color to it that hints at natural heritage. He stands perhaps a smidge above average height, but not so tall that he stands out overly much, somewhere around 5'11". It's clear that he takes good care of his body, for it would be difficult to find an ounce of fat on him - he has some bulk, but much of it is muscle. His age, at a guess, could be placed somewhere at early twenties.
     His clothing is an odd composition of weathered-hand-me-downs and brand-new-smell-the-leather pieces. A loose blue linen shirt was clearly made for someone much larger than him; it hangs loosely on his frame, and is laced up at the front in a v shape. His boots are patchy and look as if they may well be on their last legs, though they're mostly covered by the long cuffs of his grey trousers which are held up in turn by a new leather belt; a serviceable knife with a worn handle hangs from it. The leather jacket he wears, lined with fur, appears to be a new addition to his wardrobe, still holding the stiff lines that suggest it hasn't been worn in yet. Black, blue and bronze colors denote his Weyr as the High Reaches, and his dragon as a bronze. The three threads are looped simply to indicate his position as a weyrling.

It's early evening, a warm autumn breeze still sweeping across the diving cliff. Leiventh is crouched on the cliff, eyelids closed against the winds. He's grown in leaps and bounds over the past few months, and if he's not yet at his full size, he's certainly very near to it. R'hin's seated, propped against the bronze's flank, whistling a jaunty tune, a popularly known sea shanty of a particularly bawdy nature, though perhaps thankfully he's not actually singing the words at present. A rolled message hide rests on the ground beside him, within easy reach, though his attention is on the slate propped on his knee.

Harley walks up to the cliff, not sure why she's wandering up here just yet. Maybe it's one of those whimsy's she was told about. Either way, she blinks, not expecting to find R'hin up here. Remembering the last time they spoke, she's a little wary when she says "Hello R'hin, Leiventh."

A wandering path takes L'sen along the shore of the lake, the bluerider meandering along slowly, without Neiveth or any other company. He stops, however, at the foot of the diving cliff, glancing up at it thoughtfully before, on a whim, heading up the pathway to its summit. The other figures there surprise him, but he doesn't let it bother him--in fact, he looks thrilled for the company. "R'hin? That you? Hiya! I didn't expect nobody else up here, but I was hopin', anyway. And--Harley! Hi!" His usual good humor sets in at once.

The whistling falters for a moment, but R'hin pushes through to the end of the chorus before halting. "Hey," he greets Harley, easy and casual. He tilts his head at her, eyes flickering over her form for a moment, but whatever comment he was going to give is - perhaps thankfully - interrupted with L'sen's cheerful greeting. "In the flesh," he agrees, with a brief grin. "If you're looking for solitude, apparently this is the worst place in the Weyr to seek it." It's a comment without heat, however, accompanied by jaunty shift of shoulders as he gestures grandly to invite the two to join him.

Harley smiles, though her eyes still have a slightly wary expression in them. "I don't know if there is such a thing as solitude in a weyr. Or a hold for that matter." she says as she stays closer to L'sen, her recent finicky attitude making her look around trying to decide *where* to sit.

"I hate solitude," remarks L'sen as he glances briefly at the lake, then sprawls out on the rock next to R'hin, glancing over at the bronze weyrling. Harley's discomfort with the weyrling flies right over his head. "Things're always better with other people, you know? I didn't figure I was gonna find no one else out here now, though, and then, then I found y'all two!" He directs his typical bright grin at the pair. "So, what're y'all doing, anyway. What're the hides? And, you gonna sit down or not?"

"Certainly not if you're a rider," R'hin says evenly, earning no reaction from the bronze behind him. Not that it's that likely anyway; Leiventh seems to have a preference for stillness, his only movement the rising and falling of his chest. L'sen's stream of questioning earns a bemused look from the weyrling, along with a salute as the bluerider joins him. "You been spending a lot of time with Maja or something, sir?" He's apparently forgotten about the hide, because he gives it a blank look before recalling, "Oh. Errands. Taking a breather." Yeah, right.

Harley's smile turns sheepish and she nods, sitting down sort of across from R'hin but between the two riders. One rider one weyrling, though with a dragon that big, oh heck two riders. Her eyebrows go up but she doesn't say anything about the 'errands'. Taking a breather is understable. Her lips twitch. "You can someone manage a lot of breathers, even with extra laps."

L'sen blinks at R'hin. "Er," he falters, rubbing a hand through the back of his hair. "Not really, actually, why? How's she doing, anyway? I haven't seen here in, well. Long time, I guess. Tell 'er I said hey if you see her before I do--well, duh, of course you will, being a weyrling and still in the barracks with her and everything, you know?" he reasons after a moment, nodding. Harley's words, though, draw the easily distracted bluerider's attention back to her, and he peers curiously at her before finally gesturing vaguely with one hand at the girl. "So, um. How's it goin', anyway."

"It's a talent," R'hin answers Harley, with a twitch of lips. "Either of you know who," he pauses to eye the scribble on the outside of the rolled hide, "'Jesini' is, anyway? I asked all around the lower caverns, no one's even heard of her." He seems to dismiss it immediately regardless, tossing it back to the ground beside him for now, grinning at L'sen's question. "Nevermind. You just have that way of... interrogating like she does." A low chuckle follows, before he adds, "She's doing as well as can expected," he answers idly, gaze flickering towards Harley to see her response to L'sen's query.

Harley's eyes flicker with a silent laugh and she just shakes her head at R'hin. Her smile softens as her eyes turn to L'sen. Not a sappy moonstruck smile. Just a soft, affectionate, warm smile for the rider. "We're doing very well, or so the healers tell me. I'm not tired all the time any more and I never had sickness. So it's pretty much clear sailing from now on." she answers L'sen.

L'sen's brows knit. "Jesini. Uh... No? I don't think so, anyway, but then, I dunno /everybody/. And, oh, well. I dunno how, though. I mean, her being a guard and all," he adds in response to the words of Maja. "I haven't even hung around her long enough for her to inflence me, I don't think. I dunno, maybe it's just that I talk a lot or something and ask lots of questions and stuff like that, you know what I mean? Huh. I think that's a good thing, though--sounding like MAja, I mean. She's nice. " And, to Harley, he just beams. "Really? That's good, real good. I'm so excited, too, you know what I mean? I can't wait. Kids are the best." Gushy much?

R'hin still has that look in his expression, curious but well-heeled for now. "You think Maja's nice, Satiet is your best friend, and kids are the best? I have to say, sir, you have about the most oddest view of the world I've ever met." It's probably not intended as a compliment, but could be easily interpreted that way. His eyes flick between L'sen and Harley for a moment. "Should I leave so you two can get a moment to yourself? Or perhaps suggest a room?"

Harley's smile widens into a grin. "Yes, I'm excited." she admits. "And yes, kids are the very best in the whole world. We need to start thinking about names I think." She snickers and rolls her eyes. "Hardly R'hin." She opens her mouth to explain, then stops. "You've probably already figured it out. Or at least part of it." She's actually a little surprised R'hin has been able to not make a wisecrack. Yet. "We've already had a room, thanks." and she winks at L'sen.

L'sen glances between Harley and R'hin a moment, in confusion. "UH... Is that a good thing?" he wonders after a moment, blinking at the bronzerider. "I mean, aren't they? You don't think so? But I thought... Oh, well. Nevermind, you know?" He brushes his confusion off easily, with the habit of practice, and turns to peer at Harley again, cocking his head while he answers R'hin. "A room? I /do/ have a weyr, you know?" remarks the bluerider after a moment, that confusion flickering back. "But really, you don't have to go anywhere, you know? Names, what?" He flits from subject to subject with the attention span of a firelizard.

"I kind of figured, what with all the not-too-suble innuendo and doubletalk." R'hin comments easily. He does, however, eye L'sen after a moment, bemused himself by the bluerider's confusion. "That'll do. I ate not that long ago, so you understand my stomach's a little sensitive right about now."

Harley chuckles. She can't help it. "He doesn't like mushy stuff." she explains to L'sen briefly. "Don't see why though. It's part of life." and she shrugs. Turning to look directly at L'sen, she elaborates a little. "We need to start thinking of a name for the baby. Not right now, just think about it for a while." Turning back to R'hin, she simply arches a single eyebrow at him.

"Not-subtle double-talk?" L'sen doesn't even attempt that first word, only peers at R'hin. "What's dinner got to do with anything? You're really confusing, you know that, right? We're not mushy. Mushy's... well, mushy's different. That's for, I dunno. Other people," he decides with a shrug. And, to Harley, he apparently takes her at her word, and muses, "Hmm. Okay. Harley 'n' Lassen. That's... not easy. Larley. Lassey. Uh... Okay, I'm drawing a blank here." He makes a face, already out of ideas.

"-I'm- confusing?" R'hin's amused by that, and he pauses to glance sidelong at Leiventh, who hasn't moved. "Dinner, you know, queasiness, and... nevermind," the bronzerider apparently gives up with an exhale of breath. "I'm opting out." He scoops up the message hide, tucking it into a pocket, before standing up.

Harley just shrugs. "That's your choice." she says quietly, determined not to say anything else that might set him off again. To L'sen, she smiles that warm smile again and nods. "True. So we can mull it over for a little while before deciding on anything." she answers before going quiet again. If only for a few minutes. "Nothing mushy R'hin. L'sen is my friend. And confusing is in the eye of the beholder." and she blinks. "I think I just confused myself."

"You don't have to go, you know? Really. Hang around, R'hin," insists L'sen, watching the weyrling curiously. "What she said. Friends aren't mushy. And yeah, you're confusing. I mean, okay, this /is/ me we're talking about, and I don't get a lot of people--" at least he's honest enough to admit that "--but I really don't get you. It's okay, though--I still like you, too. Like Maja 'n' Satiet." His grin grows teasing.

R'hin gets an odd kind of look on his face at L'sen's latter comment, and says a little more sharply than necessary: "I can't see why you would." A glance at Harley, as he adds, "Either of you." Without bothering with a parting comment, he moves around to Leiventh's foreleg, climbing up onto the bronze. The wind's strong enough that not much effort is required - Leiventh pretty much opens his wings and drops off the side of the cliff.

R'hin vaults up onto Leiventh's back, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely.
R'hin has left.

Leiventh has left.
In the sky above, Leiventh springs powerfully into the sky from the diving cliffs.
In the sky above, Leiventh wings down and lands lightly on the ground.

Harley sighs and shakes her head. "Sometimes I think he's worse than Shalyn with his moods." she mutters to herself before settling back and relaxing a bit. "Probably could have gotten mushy anyway."

R'hin's tone leaves L'sen more lost than ever, and he calls after the bronze weyrling, "Because you're nice to me? Shards, you're nicer than Satiet, is, anyway!" He's too late, however, and he shrugs and turns to grin back at Harley. "Yeah, we should've, just to scare 'im," he suggests, only half-joking.

Harley chuckles. "Sometimes I think he needs a good scare." she admits. "Or to get good and drunk. Sharing a room then can be uh, therapeutic. Very good for your heart and body. Nice and relaxing." and she grins unashamedly at the bluerider, remembering quite well how she wound up in this condition in the first place.

L'sen smirks, nodding. "We'll have to see what we can do, I bet. It'd be funny to see the look on his face, you know? And, well, yeah. You got a point there, definitely," he agrees whole-heartedly. "It's nice having people over--best thing about having my own weyr, I think. You should come see me more, you know what I mean?"

Harley chuckles, "If you don't mind me getting almost as big as your dragon, and tossing me up on his back when I need help to get up there, I'll come visit you as often as you like." she nods decisively. She also knows just how often that is apt to be. And it's often enough for now. Her head perks up when she hears, very faint on the breeze, her name. Her nose wrinkles. "Bet Thiana wants me to copy more hide." with a reluctant sigh, she gets to her feet. "I'll see you later L'sen. Maybe you can kidnap me off to your weyr later one so I can get out of work." and she winks before turning and heading towards the bowl.

r'hin, harley, l'sen

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